
These are the current members of the National Student Bioethics Association. Join us to get involved in bioethics, connect with students with similar interests, find mentorship opportunities, and foster research collaborations.

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  • Bahat Ernest

    Postgraduate student

    I have a background in environmental studies, I did my undergraduate research on awareness of community in agrochemicals use, now am conducting a research my research in awareness and perception regarding patients rights. My interest is clinical documentation and advanced directives.

  • Dhakshata Sathyamurthy

    High School

    I recently discovered the many unethical policies and practices within the healthcare field that need to be acknowledged and criticized. This includes, but isn't limited to, gene cloning/manipulation, controlled human studies, etc. This grasped my interest in bioethics and I am committed to promoting more ethical practices in the rapidly growing society of biology/medicine.

  • Natalie Pastelak

    Master of Bioethics

    I have a bachelor's in Psychology and am currently enrolled in Penn's Master of Bioethics program. I have 6 years of experience in regulatory affairs (IRB) and currently work as a Clinical Scientist for a biotech company. My bioethics interests are in making clinical trials more accessible and understandable for underrepresented and vulnerable populations.

  • Giulia Adele Dinicola

    MA and PhD Student

    I am a graduate assistant and PhD student in Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. Also, I had two Master’s Degrees: one in Bioethics in the area of motherhood and childhood attended at LUMSA University, Rome, Italy, and one in Bioethics and Medical Humanities achieved at the University of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY. I have a keen interest in Pediatric Ethics.

  • Aidan Crowley

    Medical Student

    Aidan is a medical student at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2021 with a B.S. in Neuroscience & Behavior and minors in Poverty Studies and Compassionate Care in Medicine. In the summer of 2019, Aidan worked as a biomedical ethics research assistant at Mayo Clinic, and she is currently a member of the University of California Irvine bioethics discussion group. Her primary interests in medical ethics include patient-physician communication, compassion science, shared decision-making, neonatal/fetal ethics, and end-of-life ethics.

  • Mai Le

    Pharmacy Student

    I'm currently pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree at MCPHS University and will be graduating in 2024. I'm interested in research and clinical experiences, as well as patient care and education. I'm involved with research projects at school with professors, including clinical, lab and literature research. I'm currently the chapter president of American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) at MCPHS University Boston chapter, where I serve as the representative to host community outreach events and professionalism series for students.

  • Ishaan Sinha

    High School

    I am currently a sophomore in high school and am really interested in ethics and bioethics. Some topics in bioethics that interest me are refusal of life sustaining therapy and patient autonomy. I am currently working on a project that will help patients make more informed decisions about their healthcare.

  • Desmond O'Donoghue

    High School

    I am interested in bioethics and biology through personal research and classes in school. Since I am still in High School, my education and background is limited but I am committed to learning more while I progress educationally. I do a lot of personal research on topics that interest me in bioethics and biology like the ethics of genetic research and databases. I also have Dyscalculia and want to bring more representation to students with Dyscalculia especially those interested in STEM.

  • Haven Gabrielle Romero


    I am a current first-year at the University of Louisville double majoring in Biology and Philosophy on the Bioethics track. I am incredibly interested in health equity and disparities. My past research experience was mostly in the psychology and neuroscience field. I focused on effects of trauma exposure and co-occurring substance on human functioning and mindfulness-based intervention as treatment as well as conducted research to better understand childhood risk factors for anxiety and mood dysregulation. I also did research with bacteriophages, but I am now interested in delving into the field of bioethics.

  • Carly Eiduson

    Medical Student

    Carly Eiduson attended Tufts University for her undergraduate education and is a MD candidate at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry, Class of 2024. She is in the Bioethics Pathway at the University and served as the leader of the Bioethics Interest Group in the 2021-2022 school year. Current research interests include end of life care, palliative care, and advanced technologies, particularly as they apply to the pediatric population. Her most recent research project involved surveying pediatric ICU bedside nurses on their opinions regarding the use and ethics of renal replacement therapy in the pediatric critical care setting. Additionally, she has a great interest in the hospital based clinical ethics committee as it directly relates to patient care.

  • Persis Naumann

    Graduate Student

    I am a Fulbright Scholar; Socio-cultural Entrepreneur; Global Health Ethicist specialized in research, teaching, practice, and policy with over 20 years of interdisciplinary experience at the intersections of class, caste, culture, language, & gender. My work centers around amplifying South Asian American voices in bioethics discourses and dialogues.

  • Claire Shearer

    Graduate Student

    Claire is a pediatric heme/onc/BMT and Emergency Registered Nurse, Treuman Katz Center Pediatric bioethics fellow, and researcher. Claire is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioethics through the University of Washington. General interests: nursing bioethics curricula, health equity, epistemic justice, and ethical issues in pediatrics. Claire is currently working on a collaborative qualitative study to further understanding in how stigma power operates within nursing practice.

  • Meishu Han

    High School

    Meishu Han is a high school student interested in the intersections between health and ethics. In the future, she hopes to apply her knowledge in biology and ethics to continue working on health policy and healthcare reform.

  • Lily Plumlee


    I am currently an undergraduate student studying genetics, and have become passionate about the ethics of genetics and reproductive medicine. I have been working as a research assistant on a project regarding maternal and infant health in my community which has really affirmed this passion for me.

  • Ashley Glass

    Medical Student

    I graduated with a B.S in Biology and Psychology from The Ohio State University. Afterwards, I earned my Masters degree in Bioethics also from The Ohio State University. Currently, I am a second year at Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine. I am the American Medical Association chapter president at KCU and serve as the vice-chair for the AMA medical student section committee on bioethics and humanities. Recently, I started working with the Center for Practical Bioethics on advance care planning. My bioethical interests include end of life care, health care rights and policy, and ethics in neurology/psychology.

  • Adrienne Jones-Adamczyk

    Master of Bioethics program

    I am board certified as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse. My work has focused on improving goals of care conversations, symptom management, and end-of-life care. My bioethics interests include the appropriate utilization of intensive care resources, improving communication in medicine, and educating staff in clinical ethics. I am currently pursing my Masters of Bioethics degree at Harvard Medical School.

  • Erica Lewis


    I am currently a high school educator that teaches biology, honors biology, and anatomy & physiology. With a history in medical genetics, bioethics is very important to me. I want to educate the future of our country in bioethics so they understand the impact it can have not only in their possible future careers, but their everyday lives.

  • Alaa Hazime

    Graduate Student

    I am an aspiring physician currently pursuing a Master’s in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, aiming to work at the intersection of medicine and policy to promote justice and inclusivity in healthcare for all. My research focuses on addressing health disparities affecting minorities and people with disabilities. Coming from diverse cultural backgrounds, I have gained unique insights into the challenges vulnerable populations face in accessing quality healthcare. My American Sign Language degree has also given me the opportunity to connect with the Deaf community and understand the specific barriers they encounter in healthcare. I am committed to advocating for equitable care and health policy reform.

  • Charis M


    I am currently majoring in biology with an interest in pre-law and music. In the future, I plan to become an attorney specializing in issues pertaining to reproductive and end-of-life care. I have always been passionate about matters of social justice so I hope to integrate this with my practice.

  • Esha Verma

    High School

    I am student at Saratoga High School and have been working on the field of computational biology by applying AI to genomic datasets. Through this work I have implemented technological tools on patient data, and have been forced to question the ethics behind new emerging technologies.

  • Eric Kim

    Medical Student

    I am a Masters of Bioethics student at Harvard Medical School. I received my BA in philosophy from Amherst College with an honors thesis on what doctors should do when parents refuse life-saving treatment for infants on religious grounds. I have also published my research on conscientious objections in the journal Bioethics. After completing my MBE, I will return to NYU Grossman School of Medicine to complete my final year and apply into an internal medicine residency program.

  • Colby Philippe

    High School

    Although I have only recently found out about bioethics it has quickly gained my attention and I’ve become very interested with it. All my life I’ve never considered how morals and philosophy could affect the advancement in the medical field.I see bioethics as a way to shine light upon how ethical and morally right certain medical practices are which normally is never talked about.I attend Brooklyn College Academy and i’m deeply interested in this program.

  • Maya Roytman


    Maya is a third-year undergraduate student majoring in Neuroscience and Public Health with minors in Bioethics and Spanish Language at Loyola University Chicago. She is a 2020-2021 Mulcahy Scholar and 2022 John Grant Research Fellow for her neuroethics project comparing ethical perceptions regarding brain-computer interfaces between various stakeholders. In addition to neuroethics, she is also interested in reproductive ethics, health policy, and end-of-life decision making. She is a part of Bioethics Bowl at her university and the Interdisciplinary Philosophy and Bioethics (IPAB) Lab. She aspires to pursue a career as a physician and researcher in clinical ethics.

  • Benji Joffe


    I graduated from Penn in 2020 and hope to attend medical school in the future. As a philosophy minor, I developed interests in bioethics and love discussing the metaethics and ethical theory underlying bioethical problems. Some of the specific topics I'm interested in include gene editing, end-of-life issues, and reproductive ethics. I have more of a theoretical, philosophical background but am interested in learning more about real, practical issues affecting people's daily lives.

  • Amanda Buster


    Hello! I am currently an undergraduate student at Yale studying bioethics and the history of medicine, with interests in the intersections between biotechnology and law. I've worked in genomics labs, within the fields of research compliance and bioethics, and I am looking forward to exploring more opportunities focused on participant protections and legal studies.

  • Natalie Hardy

    Graduate, PhD in Health Care Ethics

    Natalie is a PhD student studying at the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at Saint Louis University. Her research interests center upon disability ethics, neuroethics, and qualitative methods. She aspires to become a clinical ethicist and professor after her training.

  • Alishba Chaudhry

    High School

    I am interested in biology, and am looking for on field experiences. I want to become a medical professional when I am older.

  • Jeydi Pelaez


    My name is Jeydi Peleaz and I am a junior studying politics on the pre-med track at New York University. My interest in bioethics comes form my interest in both politics and medicine and wanting to be able to combine my two interest in a profession that can truly help the world. I have countless volunteer experiences and have worked alongside doctors in a hospital setting, which in turn has showed me many bioethical issues that I hope to combat in the future.

  • Jierui Ou

    Master of Bioethics Student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

    I was born and raised in China. I graduated from University of Virginia last year with a bachelor’s degree in medical anthropology and psychology. I am interested in the ethics and morality of mental health care and biopolitics.

  • Ariadne Nichol

    Medical Student

    Ariadne Nichol is a researcher at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and a second year medical student at UCSD School of Medicine. She earned her bachelors degree in Human Biology from Stanford University, where she graduated with Honors in Ethics in Society and was a Public Service Scholar. She has previously worked on global public health research ethics topics at Doctors Without Borders and at the World Health Organization (WHO). Her work has been published in the American Journal of Bioethics, the Journal of Medical Internet Research, PLOS One, and the Journal of Public Health Policy. Her areas of interest include global health research ethics; ethical challenges associated with emerging infectious diseases; as well as ethical and social issues raised by application of big data and machine learning in health care and for precision medicine.

  • Ella Schestag

    High School

    I am entering 11th grade and have just begun my Bioethics Project through the Kent Place Ethics Institute in association with the Georgetown Kennedy Institute of Ethics. I am specifically passionate about ethical dilemmas involving mental illness and the autonomy/capacity of those with severe mental disorders. Throughout the course of this year I will conduct research accumulating to a dissertation and presentation for the Overlook Medical Center, located in Summit, NJ, and other experts. I also have leadership experience in student government and other outlets, such as mentoring young students of color in an affinity group. Values I lead by include: compassion, humility, integrity, and equality.

  • Kharisma Washington


    Bio student looking to bridge the intersection between philosophy and medicine.

  • Tina Hendi


    I am a fourth year biology major at the University of California, Irvine. I became interested in bioethics after serving as an undergraduate research assistant at a basic science research lab at my university's school of medicine which utilizes mice as their model organism. This experience has prompted me to learn more about ethical considerations and principles in animal research in different settings. Combined with my background in the biological sciences and medical humanities, I am interested in pursuing a career in neuroscience with a focus on bioethics.

  • Alexander Hajos

    Nursing Student

    My interest in bioethics stems from just what I've seen through friends and family. So many times I've seen people tell me that they have little trust in their nurses, their doctors, etc. because they never believe them. They tend to down play their issues, or don't give them the proper time they need causing them to suffer with whatever they are dealing with for way longer than they really need to and that is something that cannot go on in healthcare for much longer. I have little research experience besides what I've heard from friends and family. My educational background so far is one year of nursing school so I have not been in a clinical setting yet. I've done a lot of work though in high school with the special needs, both physical and mental disabilities, within the Special Olympics.

  • Faith Kanjira

    Graduate Student

    I am interested in Research ethics, which was inspired by my position as a regulatory coordinator at University of North Carolina project in Malawi.

  • Elizabeth Warner

    Graduate Student

    Elizabeth Warner, BA, is a Research Regulatory Associate within the Early Drug Development service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She received her BA in Biology from Bucknell University with minors in Spanish, Social Justice, and Dance. Elizabeth manages regulatory affairs for phase 1 clinical trials for cancer patients. Elizabeth is interested in the ethical framework of healthcare policy, both nationally and internationally. She is particularly interested in ethical considerations around access to care. She has co-authored several publications within clinical research and translational bioethics.

  • Ian Stevens

    Master's student (MSc in Bioethics)

    Ian Stevens is a research assistant in neurological surgery at Oregon Health & Science University. He received a BS in biomedical science and a BA in philosophy from Northern Arizona University and a MA in philosophy with a focus on neuroethics from the University of Tasmania in Australia. His publications to date focus on the ethical examination of developing neurotechnologies, particularly closed-loop deep brain stimulation devices. While working as a research assistant, he is also graduate student at Harvard Medical School’s MSc in Bioethics where he plans to further explore clinical and research neuroethics in the field of pediatric neurosurgery.

  • Farid Bin Masood

    Completed MPhil in Sociology, Enrolled in Masters in Bioethics

    My undergraduate and graduate degrees are in Sociology and currently I am enrolled in a Bioethics Masters program at Centre for Biomedical Ethics & Culture, SIUT, Karachi. My personal interest is in philosophy and I have been teaching philosophy for a couple of years. I am also interested in medical humanities, caregivers' experiences, doctor-patient interaction and end-of-life issues.

  • Sophia Gandhi

    High School

    Sophia Gandhi is a junior in high school with a passion for both social justice and bioethics. Sophia is interested in the intersection of these two fields, stemming from her 2023 Bioethics Project on the topic of hormone therapy for transgender youth. Sophia gained the experience of writing a college-level research paper, and presenting at a school-wide Bioethics Symposium, as well as discovered her love for all things bioethics through this course.

  • Michelle Anne Cohen

    Nurse, Bioethics Student

    After receiving my Bachelor's in biology with minors in Spanish and Psychology, I worked in a clinical setting during the pandemic before pursuing a 15-month accelerated Master's in Nursing. My research background is in oncology, and I am very interested in further research and bioethical issues in the field. As a former pediatric patient with a rare health condition, I hope to specialize in the care of pediatric patients and to evaluate the bioethical issues inherent in pediatric palliative care.

  • Patricia Lora

    Masters of Science in Bioethics

    Medical Doctor from Dominican Republic. Currently completing a Masters of Science in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School.

  • Caroline Hansen


    Caroline Hansen is currently a sophomore at Emory University studying Human Health and Economics with a minor in Ethics. Their interests in bioethics include end-of-life care and euthanasia, clinical bioethics, healthcare and autonomy, and equality and equity in healthcare. has worked and interned in corporate healthcare, with a career goal in healthcare administration, but would love to shift healthcare to a more ethical lens.

  • Aishah Kothawala

    Medical Student

    I have taken a few bioethics classes in undergrad pertaining mainly to paternalism, patient autonomy, euthanasia, etc. I am particularly interested in the intersection of diversity and racism in the context of medical ethics (as well as social medicine) and have been actively educating myself on the extremely unethical ways in which certain areas of medicine such as Obs/Gyn have been developed.

  • Samantha Kalikow

    High School

    I am a junior in high school and I am currently enrolled in a bioethics course. My interest in bioethics stems from my love of science and interest in the ethics behind medical decision making. I am strongly interested in learning more about the field and how it relates to disability rights, genetic testing, and genetic screening.

  • Kamryn Korth


    Studying psychology and biology has shown me the extensive history of malpractice in biomedical research in the US. I am a current undergraduate neurobehavioral researcher, with a desire to research women's reproductive and sexual health outcomes. I believe a strong understanding of social and legal issues surrounding research can prevent future harm, and that we should encourage more candid discussions of ethics in biomedical studies at all levels.

  • Nikhita Karthikeyan


    I am a sophomore at Loyola Marymount University majoring in Political Science and minoring in bioethics. As I want to pursue health law, I believe that a minor in bioethics would provide me with the perfect legal understanding for my career. Pertaining to bioethical issues, I am interested in issues that revolve around patient healthcare. I am specifically interested in topics such as informed consent, assisted suicide, and patient autonomy.

  • Asmat Islam

    PhD Candidate

    I am completing my PhD at the Centre for Global Health Ethics at Duquesne University, who specialises in healthcare ethics/bioethics, moral and political philosophy, and research ethics. I explore global health injustices and the distinct vulnerabilities of both patients and human research subjects, as well as topics in applied ethics more broadly. Prior to joining Duquesne, I earned an MA in philosophy from the University of Nottingham, UK.

  • Azhar Rahma


    Azhar Talal, obtained her bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and health sciences, from the Faculty of Pharmacy, AUST -UAE, in 2001 and then had her MPH from the United Arab Emirates University – UAE in 2015, afterward she obtained her PhD honor merit from the Institute of Public Health, United Arab Emirates University, in 2021. Topic of thesis “Establishing the Road map for Genomic Medicine and Pharmacogenomics in the UAE”. Interested in genomics bioethics.

  • Claire Moore


    Claire M. Moore is a recent graduate of Agnes Scott College where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Public Health and Philosophy. She is a former intern with the Focus Area for Compassion and Ethics at the Task Force for Global Health. She is also an alumna of the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute in Bioethics at Yale University and Summer Undergraduate Program in Biomedical Ethics Research at Mayo Clinic. Her past research experiences have broadly focused on health advocacy and equity for marginalized groups, such as questions about testimonial injustice in clinical assessments of pain, conscientious refusal to emergency contraception in the U.S. South, and the health impacts of gentrification in Atlanta. In 2021-2023, she will work as a post-baccalaureate fellow with the NIH Department of Bioethics and conduct research focusing on public health research ethics and health disparities.

  • Muyang Kong

    High School

    I am a high school student from Beijing, China. I am interested in various topics, especially informed consent, gene editing and euthanasia. I wish to dive deeper into bioethics and share the ethical reasonings to others.

  • Jaiydalyn Santos Santos

    High School

    I have spent countless hours exploring topics such as genetic engineering and end-of-life care through books, articles, and documentaries. Particularly the decomposition process and body farms that help aid the development of forensics analysis, for example, the timing of organ harvesting and how the preservation of bodily integrity are important considerations. As a prospective biomedical engineer, I am eager to contribute to the development of innovative medical technologies that improve healthcare accessibility and affordability. I am particularly interested in researching how socioeconomic factors can impact access to healthcare and exploring potential solutions to address this inequality as I have experience.Through this experience, I developed strong resilience, a deep appreciation for the value of healthcare, and the belief everyone should have access.

  • Debra Carroll-Beight

    PhD student

    Debra is a Ph.D. student in bioethics at Case Western Reserve University. She has earned an MA in bioethics from the Ohio State University (2021) and an MSc in Public Health from Sweden's Lund University (2017). She received her BAs, also from Ohio State, in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Communication Analysis (2015). Her research focuses on the inequities in sexual and reproductive health care that exist in LGBTQ+ communities, particularly among intersex, transgender, and gender-expansive persons.

  • Basel Tarab

    Bioethics Grad Student

    I am a physician by training, originally from Syria, I am very interested in Global Health Ethics, and intercultural bioethics. Always seeking opportunities to do research.

  • Uzair Mahmud


    Hi, my name is Uzair Mahmud and I am an undergraduate BA BS student in biology and health science, respectively, at Stony Brook University. I plan on completing medical school and pursuing pediatrics and primary care. In the realm of bioethics, I'm quite interested in vaccine education, health service parity, ethics in pediatrics, and pre-approval access. These interests have engaged me due to my longstanding focus on health as a whole-- mental, material, and physical.

  • Peter Choi

    Graduate student

    Peter Choi is a second year student in the Master of Bioethics (MBE) program at Harvard Medical School. He graduated from Columbia University with a Master of Science in Neuroscience & Education and from Emory University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Prior to Harvard, Peter worked at the Massachusetts General Hospital and UCSF Medical Center supporting hospital-industry relationships, sponsored research agreements, and quality & safety initiatives in oncology and general surgery. He is currently the Vice President of Quality & Regulatory Affairs at The Ventilator Project, a 501c3 non-profit organization of over 250 staff members working to alleviate the strained medical supply chain through cost-effective souring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond his academic and career endeavors, he is on The Charles River every morning at the United States Rowing National Training Center training for the 2020 Tokyo Games. Peter is passionate and committed to supporting equal access to healthcare, disability rights, LGBT advocacy, and women’s rights.

  • Alexis Carr

    High School

    I am a rising sophomore at the Nightingale-Bamford School in New York City. During my freshman year Biology class, we talked many times about bioethics. I quickly developed a strong interest for this area in Biology and I would love to deep dive more into this topic!

  • Bakhtawar Ayaz

    High School

    I have completed my high school degree in Pre-medical and I'm highly interested in bioethics and want to pursue my education in bioethics.

  • Ryan Dieudonne


    Ryan Dieudonné is a rising junior studying Anthropology and Human Biology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is currently on the Pre-Med track in hopes of pursuing an MD and a degree in Public Health or Medical Anthropology to extend his personal range of care and satisfy his passion for multicultural medicine.

  • Lilli Schussler

    Medical Student

    Interested in ethics related to resource allocation and assisted reproductive endocrinology, and bioethics in health policy.

  • Madison Abbassi

    High School

    Madison Abbassi is a rising high school senior (class of 2022) from the Bay Area, and she has been interested in the field of bioethics ever since she first learned about it at age 15. Her research experience includes interning at Stanford University to design a study on multisensory processing with olfaction, along with completing a yearlong project on cancer incidence in the United States as a student in her high school's advanced research program. Madison hopes to both study and research bioethics in college, and she is very excited about its future as human-machine interfaces and bioengineering become more commonplace.

  • Lauren Kim


    Hello! My name is Lauren and I'm an undergraduate at Princeton University studying history of science and neuroscience. I work as a researcher for several organizations (biomarker discovery for vascular dementia, analyzing drug policy, cognitive neuroscience) and am passionate about creating bridges between what happens in the lab to the people they affect. My primary interests within bioethics circle around end of life care, standards of evidence within clinical trials and the ethical questions surrounding emerging neurotechnologies.

  • Brianna Marschke

    Medical Student

    Medical aid in dying, religious studies and intersection with health

  • Riley Gemperlein

    High School

    As a junior in North Carolina with aspirations to major in nursing and minor in biology, I am deeply passionate about bioethics. I view it as a cornerstone for fostering a more nuanced understanding of cultural sensitivity in healthcare. My involvement in Speech and Debate has heightened my awareness of the complexities and ethical gray areas in our world. This interest has been further fueled by my journaled research and internships in rheumatology, which have ignited my dedication to raising awareness and fostering dialogue on ethical issues in medicine.

  • Isabella Shin


    I am a psychology major with a double minor in biology and bioethics at Loyola Marymount University. I am interested in the issue of informed consent as well as decision making and competence because a patient must meet the criteria in order to make an important health care decision. In addition, I am interested in the issue of abortion because it is very controversial, and I think it is interesting to read about the different perspectives as it also gives me further insight.

  • Eli Schantz

    Medical Student

    Eli G. Schantz is a medical student at Indiana University School of Medicine—South Bend, where his research centers on ontology and its application to debates in bioethics and the philosophy of medicine. He serves a delegate to the Indiana State Medical Association and the Medical Student Section of the American Medical Association, where he sits on the AMA-MSS Committee on Bioethics and Humanities and advocates for ethics-informed healthcare policy.

  • Madeline Gallagher

    High School

    Hello! I am a current sophomore high school student and live in Utah. I have been apart of my high school's Ethics bowl club for two years and I also have done independent studies of ethics through the club. I am specifically interested in the overlap between bio-ethics and ethnic studies.

  • Ella Somaiya

    High School

    My name is Ella Somaiya from Trinity School in New York (class of 2024). After taking a bioethics elective last semester, I fell in love with philosophy and ethics! Now, I am an intern with Dr. Ana Lita at Bioethics Education International. Since I was about four, I've wanted to become a doctor. Bioethics, for me, is a means to learn how to tackle and think through difficult issues in our society. Seeing others' perspectives and learning different theories, I feel, will make me a better doctor in the future.

  • Jaiydalyn Santos

    High School

    I have spent countless hours exploring topics such as genetic engineering and end-of-life care through books, articles, and documentaries. Particularly the decomposition process and body farms that help aid the development of forensics analysis. For example, the timing of organ harvesting and how the preservation of bodily integrity are important considerations. As a prospective biomedical engineer, I am eager to contribute to the development of innovative medical technologies that improve healthcare accessibility and affordability.

  • Yuki Matsumura

    High School

    Yuki is a high school sophomore at Woodbridge High School. Driven by her desire to delve into the complexities of the heart, she aspires to become a cardiothoracic surgeon and contribute to advancements in cardiac research and surgical interventions.She interned at the UCI Kheradvar Lab over the summer as part of the UCI HEART Internship and is currently working to publish a research paper discussing the effects of ethanol on embryonic development. She is also the founder and president of her nonprofit organization SilverGuidance, which provides high school students community service opportunities to educate and interact with the senior community to reduce ageism in digital and global health. Her main interests include aging and clinical ethics.

  • Samuel Gilman


    Samuel is a graduating senior studying Biological Sciences at Binghamton University and preparing to apply to medical school in this upcoming cycle. His interests include personalized medicine using pharmacogenetics, sports medicine & orthopedics, and healthcare policy. After graduation, Samuel will matriculate into the MS in Individualized Genomics and Health program at Johns Hopkins University. He desires to impact patients individually as a future physician while also contributing to healthcare policy to advocacy for greater healthcare accessibility for all.

  • Nishtha Tikalal


    Nishtha Tikalal is a current undergraduate student at the University of Central Florida. She is pursuing her degree in physics and mathematics. Her current interests in bioethics include stem cell manipulation, genetically modified organisms, brain death, organ transplantation, and healthcare. Her research is centered around nano-optics and neuroscience.

  • Deborah Brunat

    Recent public health graduate, BA & MPH

    I am very interested in bioethics as it relates to public health research and evidence based care. I have a bachelors and masters in public health and experience in qualitative research on best practices for humane healthcare and managing workforce burnout. My goal is to promote compassionate healthcare and sound ethics in the clinical and research setting as a medical practitioner.

  • Tina Toosi


    I received my bachelor of Science (BS) in Biology from Georgia institute of Technology and I currently work as a clinical research coordinator at Emory School of Medicine's emergency neuroscience lab. My experience as a research coordinator has been eye-opening as I directly worked with patients to help them transition into their involvement in clinical research. I am most interested in advocating for ethical design practices in healthcare that optimize patients and providers user experience.

  • Ryo Elijah Thomas

    High School

    I am currently a high school junior rising senior at Lamar CISD. I am interested in obesity research, genetics research, and the social determinants of health. I am also interested in health policy and creating equitable access to quality health care.

  • Surasya Guduru


    Raised in rural North Carolina by first-generation Indian immigrants and as an individual who has navigated life through the lens of chronic disability, my understanding of systemic social inequities is strongly driven by my personal experiences and further enriched through my social justice and ethics-related professional and academic pursuits. At present, I am a senior at the University of North Carolina studying Psychology and International Studies with strong research interests in access to trauma-informed care, Asian American mental health, HIV/AIDS stigma, and disability policy.

  • Arisa Rei Marshall


    Arisa (Rei) Marshall is a fourth year at the University of Washington, Seattle. She is currently in the honors program studying Public Health-Global Health. Her independent research focuses on equity in access to public health services including pop up hygiene units in Seattle. She is an intern with NYU in the department of bioethics and a chemistry tutor.

  • Sophia Porter

    High School

    I'm currently enrolled in my Junior year of high school, and I've been exploring different aspects of the medical field through a Biotechnology course offered at my high school, as well as experience with a health program through the National Student Leadership Conference. I am trying to narrow down areas of study that I could pursue in the future, and medical ethics is a strong possibility. The ethics involving medical care is intriguing to me because I enjoy learning about health and how it can tie into issues concerning social justice, or areas like the morality behind Euthanasia.

  • Ernest Yip

    MBE Student at Harvard University + Medical Student at University of Hong Kong

    I am passionate about ethical research in digital mental health, youth involvement, clinical interpretation and health diplomacy. I previously did research around medical big data and nucleic acids as a President's Scholar for Medicine at University of Hong Kong. I am excited to embark on my journey as a Master of Bioethics Student at Harvard Medical School.

  • Sol Thomas

    Bioethics Grad Student

    I am a current graduate student in bioethics at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. I have a masters in criminal justice and I am interested in public health issues related to incarceration, racism, and gun violence.

  • Natalie Lien

    High School

    I am a junior in high school (class of 2025) from the SF Bay Area and am interested in biology and computer science. After recently joining a program that works towards bridging the research disparities within the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community, I’ve grown increasingly aware of the vast improvements that must be done in order to help close these gaps. I am particularly interested in ethical issues and considerations involving artificial intelligence, especially related to the performance of AI models on different skin tones.

  • Andrew Davis

    Pre-med, B.S. Cellular and Molecular Biology, Minor in Chemistry

    I am a recent graduate from Appalachian State University, having earned my degree in Biology, and hope to pursue medicine. I am interested in a wide variety of topics regarding the field of bioethics, and try not to get "tunnel vision" on any one in particular. I simply enjoy philosophical and ethical conversation, as I beleive these to be quite important, and ideally, productive, especially for anyone interested in pursuing related fields.

  • Allyson May


    I am interested in all things bioethics. Two topics I am especially interested in include autonomy in minors, and physician assisted suicide. I am currently studying biomedical humanities at Campbell University. My end goal is to study health care ethics at Duquesne University.

  • Mia Romero


    Mia Romero is a rising junior at Saint Louis University pursuing her Bachelors of Arts in Bioethics and Health Studies and Philosophy. Her minor in Spanish practically compliments her fervent drive to serve a diverse community of individuals as an advocate of health equity and social justice. Following her undergraduate education, she plans to attend graduate school and become a Clinical Ethicist. She is currently a Summer Clinical Ethics Intern at Baylor College of Medicine. Mia’s multifaceted research interests include the intersectionality of clinical ethics and cultural competence, the philosophy of human nature, moral psychology, and catholic healthcare ethics.

  • Elad Levy (Racin)

    High School

    Elad is the founder and leader of the Philosophy club at his school where he regularly hosts discussions which encourages independent thinking. He is also a writer on his school’s newspaper where he writes thought-provoking opinions articles. After graduating, he hopes to pursue a higher education in Philosophy and apply his knowledge to real life.

  • Thea Anderson

    Medical Student

    I am a second-year medical student at the University of Connecticut and my undergraduate education was at George Washington University in Anthropology. I am presently intending to go into the field of Psychiatry, and I have a particular interested in ethics surrounding competency, neuroethics, and end-of-life care. I have co-founded the Bioethics and Medical Humanities Student Interest Group at UConn and I am also on the John Demsey Hospital Ethics Board. I have research experience in both radiology and psychiatry surrounding neuroticism and late life depression.

  • Cher Mei


    I am majoring in Science, Technology, and society with an interest in public health and biomechanics. This semester I am engaging in research with Professor John Long on the evolution of shark fins using biomechanical models. I work at the Vassar Innovation Lab and go to local Poughkeepsie repair cafes. Where I honed my skills with various tools and software like 3D Printers, PrusaSlicer, and Fusion 360, to accelerate innovations that can make a difference in the local community. I am interested in mental healthcare, and am the Secretary of Prohealth at Vassar College.

  • Sarosh Saleem

    Graduate Student

    I am a physician with an interest in Clinical Ethics (End of life decision-making, Socio-cultural impact on clinical decision-making) and pediatric decision-making in both clinical and research settings.

  • Olivia Stine


    I recently received my BS in Neurobiology and took two ethics courses- Neuroethics and Medical Ethics- to get my degree. I want to pursue a PhD and a career in researching the brain. I am highly interested in neuroethics, but any bioethics/medical ethics is extremely applicable.

  • Samantha Chipman


    Hello! I am an English major with double minors in philosophy and Chinese at Loyola University of Chicago's BA/MA program. I am a 2020-2021 Ricci Scholar, and focused on death and dying in Italy and Vietnam. During this project, I was introduced to topics about End of Life Care, the medicalization of death, and physician and patient attitudes towards death-related rites. I am currently working on a Provost project titled "Autism and Identity: Standing at the Axis of Oppression," where I examine women and girls with autism through philosophical approaches. Right now, I am interested in learning how to connect my passion for bioethics with my love of literature.

  • Medha Modekurti

    High School

    Hi! I'm a rising junior in high school in Chicago. I'm interested in public health, microbiology and medicine. I've been involved in various research experiences so far including independent research through school, assisting with research at universities, and conducting public health research with a team. As an aspiring medical student, I hope to learn more about bioethics.

  • Cara Hunt

    Research Associate

    Cara is a research associate in the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Langone's Department of Population Health. She earned her undergraduate degree in science, technology, and society at Vassar College, after which she taught robotics and engineering to K-5 students. She then worked in the Education Department at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, during which time she earned a master's in bioethics at New York University.

  • Henry Chai-Onn

    High School

    My name is Henry Chai-Onn, a high school senior at Phillips Exeter and am deeply invested in bioethics and public policy. My experience with bioethics includes having conducted research on Ugandan maternal mortality with a professor at the Center for International Human Rights Law & Advocacy at the University of Wyoming College of Law and volunteering with various political organizations to fight for biological rights domestically.

  • Isabella Grigorian


    I am a Health & Human Sciences Major and a Health & Society Minor at Loyola Marymount University. I am a bioethics intern through my university and my roles include social media and website content, along with student/faculty research. I am someone who is on the premed path and I want to use my experience through the world of bioethics to ensure the most ethical, holistic, and educated ways to treat my patients as individual and unique humans.

  • Carlos Sardina


    I am a pre-med at the University of Missouri-Columbia majoring in Biology and Philosophy. I work as an assistant in labs researching medical decision making and addiction neuroscience. I became interested in bioethics started after taking classes in introductory classes in bioethics and medical ethics. I hope to further my knowledge in bioethics in order to better serve to my future patients and and help provide ethical care at a systemic level.

  • Maria Leister

    Master's Bioethics

    I'm a first year Master's Bioethics student at Harvard Medical School. I have a JD from IU Bloomington and have a background in criminal law and immigration law. I interested in neuroethics and mental health related bioethical issues.

  • Jade Evenstad

    Medical Student

    I am medical student at Baylor College of Medicine participating in the Medical Ethics Pathway. I am also a 3-year member of the American Medical Association Medical Student Section Committee on Bioethics and Humanities and president of my medical school's Medical Ethics Student Organization. My interests are psychiatry and women's health.

  • Morgan Rome

    High School

    This past year, I took a Harvard edX course called The Law, Medicine and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics. This course made me interested in learning more about CRISPR – a powerful technology used to edit genes. I learned there are a variety of religious and philosophical points of view on this subject. I am interested in learning more about bioethics and the many associated topics.

  • Lauren Marino

    Doctoral student

    Lauren is a bioethics and health policy doctoral student at Loyola University of Chicago (DBe) with intended graduation in May of 2022. Her Master's in Public Health (2018) began her interest in the intersection of health and ethics. She hopes to build a career focusing on social justice issues and policy reform to ensure everyone has access to healthcare.

  • Victoria Kleinschmidt


    Victoria is interested in the intersection of bioethics and psychological research. She is currently an undergraduate researcher in the Mood and Behaviors Lab at Fordham University. She also collaborates with All Hallows Highschool in the Bronx, New York, as part of a Youth Participatory Action Research initiative, which aims to benefit the community in which data collection is conducted. In addition, she has interests in various bioethical sectors, most notably deception research designs.

  • Daniel Pham

    Medical Student

    I am a medical student at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma in philosophy and psychology, summa cum laude. I have a budding interest in policy and global health, and I would love to incorporate bioethics into my training and work.

  • Chinmayee Bhide


    Chinmayee is an undergraduate Pharmacy student from India. She has a keen interest in the fields of biotechnology and ethical studies and is currently exploring the intersectionality between the two. She recently completed a certificate course in Bioethics. She has co-authored two research proposals. She has received accolades for various creative pursuits. Chinmayee aims at learning and studying the application of ethics in biotechnology in conjunction with her knowledge of Pharmacy.

  • Dean Hart

    working on MPH after MS in bioethics in 2021

    My research is limited to electron microscopy and immunocytohistochemistry. Microbiology and biochemistry publish another millenia ago when I did my Master's in biology. Now MPH Student.

  • Samantha Ratner


    Samantha Ratner is a senior in the honors program at the University of Michigan majoring in Biology, Health, and Society with a minor in the History of Medicine and Health. She is a member of the Dawid lab at the University of Michigan, where she researches the competence mechanism of Streptococcus pneumoniae. In addition, she is the head of the Vaccine Student Working Group on Ethics and Policy, a member of the University of Michigan Bioethics Society, and a former intern in the NYU Division of Medical Ethics.

  • Spenser Chen

    Medical Student

    Spenser Y. Chen is a medical student at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry whose interests include bioethics, social medicine, health services research, medical education, and liberation theology. He is a 2021-2022 David Hamilton Smith Year-Out Research Fellow in Pediatrics conducting health equity research at Stanford University. Prior to medical school, he spent six years working alongside a Latinx immigrant community in multiple capacities. He studied biochemistry and cell biology at the University of California, San Diego.

  • Ayden Eilmus


    I am a Project Associate at NYU Grossman School of Medicine's Division of Medical Ethics, where I work closely with the Working Group on Compassionate Use and Preapproval Access (CUPA) and the Working Group on Pediatric Gene Therapy and Medical Ethics (PGTME). My background is primarily in ELSI research, and I also study genetics in film, television, and fandom at Vanderbilt's Center for Genetic Privacy and Identity in Community Settings (GetPreCiSe). I graduated with my BA from Vanderbilt in 2021, where I triple majored in anthropology, philosophy, and medicine, health & society.

  • John Massarelli

    Pre-Med, Gap Year

    I am primarily interested in the ethics of gene therapy, including individualized "n=1" therapies, preapproval access to investigational medical products, and the use of big data for artificial intelligence in healthcare.

  • Elyse Decker

    Medical Student

    I minored in bioethics at UPENN and am now entering into medical school and would love to keep expanding my knowledge of the field not only to improve my clinical decision-making but also because bioethics is absolutely fascinating. My research interests are primarily in neonatology, but more specifically neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS).

  • Madeline Yuzwa

    Pharmacy Student

    Madeline M. Yuzwa is an aspiring professional pursuing dual degrees as a Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Arts in Medical Ethics and Humanities at Northeast Ohio Medical University, with anticipated graduation in May 2025. Her academic journey is complemented by a rich array of professional experiences in various pharmacy settings, including acute and inpatient care, and a notable research focus on the ethical implications of healthcare access and medication use in vulnerable populations.

  • Tala Al-Khaouli

    High School

    I am a high school senior with a general interest in topics in bioethics. I am currently writing my IB extended essay on surrogate pregnancy, and whether or not it is an exploitative act. I am also working on a blog that critiques films from a bioethical perspective.

  • Grace Xiang


    I am recent graduated philosophy major from NYU with a bioethics minor, and I was trying to find things to get involved with related to bioethics. I am pre-med so i am currently applying to medical school, and I realized that I already really miss being academically surrounded by philosophy and I really wanted to reach out to see if I could get involved with different other groups. I love philosophy, but I never got too involved with clubs on campus due to commitments to other internships or labs, so I'm so happy about the potential opportunity to connect with and get involved with something like this!

  • Kayla Chang


    Kayla Chang has a BA in Philosophy, a BA Environmental Studies and a Bioethics minor. She is interested in bioethical issues such as end-of-life issues, the conversation around disability, gene-editing, and equity-based issues in the medical field. She is currently in the process of applying to law school where she hopes to specialize in health or environmental law.

  • Victoria Winogora

    Graduate Student

    Majored in history, philosophy, and social studies of science and medicine at UChicago, wrote senior thesis on evolution of ethics for research in the US, then became a nurse practitioner, interested in clinical ethics, served on ethics boards. Now pursing PhD at Columbia, interested in staying in bioethics while pursing how we make healthcare better for patients with disabilities

  • Veda Kota


    Hi! My name is Veda and I'm a current MPH candidate at Rutgers University, where I also earned my BA in Philosophy and Cognitive Science. I first learned about bioethics a few months ago in my Bioethics class for my philosophy major, and I've been doing lots of reading and research ever since! Currently, I work as a research assistant at Rutgers' center for bioethics and recently participated in a week-long bioethics program hosted by the Hastings Center! in my free time I like to learn languages, read comics, and play GeoGuessr.

  • David Gaines

    Law student

    I have a strong passion for patient advocacy, which also encompasses bioethics, such as the legal and ethical requirements for covenants not to sue in drug-trial programs. I also understand the biological and microbiological perspective as I majored in microbiology in undergrad. I think this field is fascinating and would love to know more.

  • Matilda Ajibola

    Graduate Student

    Matilda Ajibola is a PhD student in bioethics with a focus on applied ethics and the philosophy of science. She holds a master’s degree in Ethics, Peace, and Human Rights from American University and a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Her research spans bioethics, human enhancement, reproductive ethics, and human rights, with notable experience in assessing the ethical implications of biotechnologies. Matilda actively participates in community service and advocacy, promoting women's rights and healthcare access.

  • Jeffrey Gruenglas

    Doctoral Student

    I am currently a Doctoral candidate in the health sciences program at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences. I serve as founder and President of our university's Bioethics Association, which is affiliated with the NSBA. I did my training in medical ethics and policy at Harvard Medical School. I am also faculty at Boston University, where I teach bioethics, health policy, and global health courses.

  • Rachel Ingraham

    Medical student and Masters in Bioethics Student

    I’m currently a medical student at Boston University and a Master and Bioethics student at Harvard Medical School. Prior to and throughout medical school I’ve served on Boston Medical Center’s Clinical Ethics Committee and Consult Team. I’m most interested in clinical ethics with focus on dilemmas during end of life care as well as inequity and bias that emerge during clinical ethics consultation.

  • Douglas Ford


    Douglas William Ford is a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science at Cornell University's SC Johnson College of Business and is passionate about researching transformative science. His research and publications include topics on ethics in technology and new media, innovative developments in bloodless medicine, the history of science, ethical AI, and how to improve diversity in healthcare. He is thrilled at the prospect of exploring the exciting field of bioethics with like-minded individuals and is determined to make the world a better place for all.

  • Gabrielle Tsai

    Graduate Student

    I am an HBSc in Bioethics & Human Biology graduate from the University of Toronto. Currently, I am pursuing an MA in Bioethics & Health Policy at Loyola University Chicago while applying to medical schools. I have worked in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion research within REBs and rehabilitation sciences for the past two years. My goal is to become a physician-ethicist specializing in surgery or emergency medicine.

  • Bailey Miller

    Graduate Student

    I will be beginning a Master's degree in Philosophy with a concentration in Bioethics in fall of 2024 at Indiana University of Indianapolis. I have experience in mental health counseling, non-profit work, tech, design, music, and art. I'm currently also seeking out experiences in patient advocacy and all things bioethics/medical humanities.

  • Kathryn Guo


    I'm a student at UChicago studying Neuroscience and Philosophy, interested in pursuing an academic career studying topics in bioethics and medical ethics alongside being a clinician. I have a strong background in basic science research and medical outreach, and am currently working on expanding my experience in bioethics research. Outside of academics, I am also deeply involved in Chicago's comedy scene as an improviser and stand-up comedian!

  • Andrea Bell

    Graduate Student

    I have worked in the biotechnology industry for over 20 years, and I am just finishing my Ph.D. at MCPHS (2022). Previously I have completed an MBA (2004) and an MS (2014). Bioethics is central to the work I do in biotechnology, and I feel strongly it should be incorporated more into education. I am looking to co-found the bioethics club at MCPHS.

  • Sibil Shibu


    I am a current junior at Saint Louis University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Bioethics and Health Care Studies. I am a future health care professional passionate about ethics and mission integration, the intersection between religion/spirituality and medicine, holistic health care, and systems ethics. Post my undergraduate graduation, I plan on pursuing graduate school for Bioethics. My various research, internship, and volunteer experiences in the field of health care, have allowed me to gain a deeper insight into the necessity of the the interdisciplinary field of Bioethics to address contemporary challenges.

  • Riya Sarwal

    High School

    Riya Sarwal is a junior in high school in New York. At school, she has been apart of the DNA barcoding research class for two years where she performs research projects. She has also gotten research experience in many summer programs at the University of Pennsylvania and the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. She hopes to study the fields of public health and bioethics when she goes off to college.

  • Katie Mann

    Medical Student

    I’m a social worker, and completed my MSW at Simmons University. Barriers to access to care, specially mental health treatment is what drew me to bioethics. I’m interested in how policy can be improved to better serve vulnerable communities access to treatment.

  • Claire Lin

    High School

    Claire is currently a high school student living in Princeton, NJ. She recently discovered the field of bioethics at the intersection of philosophy and biology, which are two academic subjects she loves. She is particularly interested in how seemingly abstract philosophy can provide guidance for real-world medical dilemmas.

  • Emma Brown

    Medical Student

    Emma Brown holds a Bachelor of Science in Pre-Medical Professions and is currently a second-year medical student and Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her courses in Bioethics and Medical Ethics at the undergraduate and graduate level have fostered her passion for the field. She is currently pursuing this passion by working with peers and faculty at her medical school to pilot a bioethics club and newsletter.

  • Richard James

    MBE Program

    I'm slowly finishing up a Masters in Bioethics- interested in pediatric clinical ethics and patient-family research collaboration. I am a community member of a children's hospital ethics and patients' rights committee and a research partner in a number of collaboratives concerned with Congenital Heart Defects.

  • Apoorvi Singh

    High School

    Hi, I'm Apoorvi! I am an incoming junior in high school with passions lying in chemistry, biology, and endocrinology. My bioethical interests are catered towards the unjust healthcare system regarding income as well as the ongoing issue of animal cruelty. I am also passionate about reproductive rights for women and the separation of politics and health. I am an aspiring OB/GYN, and I hope to one day be able to improve these issues seen in healthcare today!

  • Christopher Siuzdak

    Graduate Student

    Chris is presently pursuing a Master of Science in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School. He is particularly interested in neurolaw.

  • Divya Manoharan

    Medical Student

    Divya Manoharan is a medical student at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She is interested in harm reduction and iatrogenic harm and seeks to understand how to practice patient-centered care in the social contexts of privatized medicine and individualism.

  • Amir Davoodi

    Medical Student

    I am a second-year medical student with a fervent interest in bioethics, driven by a desire to navigate the complex moral dilemmas inherent in modern medicine. My journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Public Health, where I delved into research exploring the intersection of social determinants of health in healthcare delivery. With a passion for global health policy, I aim to address disparities in healthcare access and advocate for equitable solutions on a global scale. This academic foundation, coupled with hands-on experience in clinical settings, fuels my commitment to advocating for ethical practices in medicine and championing patient autonomy and justice within the broader healthcare system.

  • Kendra Nelson

    I am a PhD Candidate and a licensed, registered dietitian with an MPH.

    I received a BS in Nutrition from Southern Utah University, an MPH in Nutrition with registered dietitian training from UNC - Chapel Hill, and am a doctoral candidate at UNC's Nutrition Research Institute. My doctoral research focuses on nutrient-gene interactions in cognitive decline. From a bioethics standpoint, I am fascinated by many areas, but my particular interests include many aspects of consumer-marketed genetic testing (privacy, consent, data access by government agencies, charging consumers despite profiting from their data); the balancing act between making sure marginalized groups are included in medical research without exploiting their unique vulnerabilities as has often happened in American history; informed consent when working with populations which may not be able to give it (dementias, specific neurodivergencies, patients with aphasia) but should not be left behind by scientific research; and end of life care specifically for those with advanced dementias who may be unable to advocate for their wishes.

  • Lauren Heaven


    Interested in bioethics for practicing medicine, loved histology in undergrad (especially looking at the spinal cord), interested in the technologies that can improve health

  • Miracle Ejidike


    Miracle Onuorah Ejidike is a 4 + 1 student at Emory University, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Human Health and Master of Arts in Bioethics (MAB). Miracle has a strong interest in global health ethics, research ethics, providing marginalized populations a seat at the table, and empowering them with the tools to create their own table. Miracle also has budding interests in exploring ethical considerations in Big Data research coupled with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Public Health and bridging the digital divide. Miracle hopes to apply the knowledge gained from this MAB program to advance global health equity, global health policies and law, and mitigate health disparities.

  • Dessislava Fessenko

    Master of Bioethics Student at Harvard Medical Scholl

    Dessislava Fessenko, LL.M., is a lawyer and a researcher in the field of governance of digital technologies. She received an LL.M. with honors in Bulgarian law from the University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria, and an LL.M. in European Union business law from the University of Amsterdam. Her private practice focuses on the implementation of and interplay among the European Union antitrust, data protection and technology regulations, and on public policy in these areas. Dessislava’s research deals with various aspects of the governance of artificial intelligence. Her bioethics interests include ethical alignment, fairness, and ethics-based auditing of digital technologies.

  • Sara Endres


    My name is Sara Endres and I’m a first year at Saint Louis University. My major is Healthcare Management on the Pre-Health track with minors in Biology and Healthcare Ethics. I think learning about bioethics is a crucial part of understanding healthcare and is invaluable to those who want to pursue a career in healthcare.

  • Akansh Hans

    Medical Student

    My name is Akansh and I am a current first year medical student at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. I recently graduated with my Master of Bioethics from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health after having completed my thesis titled "The Ethics of Psychedelic Medicine: A Case for the Reclassification of Psilocybin for Therapeutic Purposes" in May 2021. Prior to that, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience with minors in Bioethics and Clinical Psychology from the University of Rochester in May 2020. I have extensive experience as an Emergency Medical Technician and plan on combining my clinical competence, my knowledge of bioethics, and my research skills to become a holistic physician at the forefront of ethical debates in medicine.

  • Sarah Mitchell


    I am currently a student at Case Western Reserve University working towards a B.A. in Medical Anthropology with minors in Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Public Health, and Business Management. I am involved in the Undergraduate Bioethics Society and am pursuing a M.A. in Bioethics at CWRU. My career interests include clinical ethics and health law and I am passionate about how health related policy informs clinical care and the ethical issues that arise in these clinical settings.

  • Shivam Bhargava


    As an undergraduate student at UNC Chapel Hill, I am the Founder and President of the Bioethics Society of UNC, which is the first ever bioethics organization at my school with a general membership of 200+ students. Through this organization, I've led bioethics research initiatives, medical case writing, and guest speaker events. In addition, I've conducted my own bioethics research surrounding narrative medicine and anti-racism in clinical skills medical education. I've very passionate about the intersection between bioethics and education and am an aspiring bioethicist.

  • Shankar Chawla

    High School

    I am a rising Junior at Phoenix Country Day School in Phoenix, Arizona. I aspire to study biological or biomedical engineering in college with a focus on emerging computational technologies like deep learning and computational neuroscience. I have gained research experience in neuromuscular biomechanics and neurobiology which has allowed me to learn extensively about the CNS, surgical methods, neural circuitry, and neural plasticity. Through these experiences, I have come to the understanding that bioethical concerns are essential to conducting research in these areas.

  • Vedha Penmetcha


    I am a student at Rice University currently majoring in Biosciences and am interested in global health technologies and medical humanities as well. I hope to look at the intersection of both topics as they relate to medical ethics to better understand patient narratives and how innovation can be sustainably adopted into the healthcare system. As I move forward in my career path, I hope to utilize an ethical lens during a variety of decision making processes as well as research.

  • Sarah Evenson

    MBE Student

    Sarah Evenson is a Master of Bioethics student at the University of Pennsylvania. She earned her bachelors degree in sociology from Haverford College, where she wrote a thesis entitled "'But You Don’t Look Sick': Medical Gaslighting and Disability Identity Among Individuals Living with POTS and ME/CFS." Sarah is currently working as a summer bioethics intern at the Mayo Clinic, where she is involved in multiple projects ranging from clinical ethics to AI use in medical settings. Her research interests include diagnosis and treatment of medically complex patients, chronic illness, disability ethics, and medical applications of big data and machine learning.

  • Carol Van Ryzin

    D.Bioethics student at Loyola of Chicago; Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

    I work at NIH (since 1999) as a pediatric nurse practitioner . My interest in bioethics dates back to when I took Biomedical ethics as an undergrad student at Washington University in St. Louis. Many difficult cases were happening in Missouri as well which helped spark my interest. My nursing degree is from Johns Hopkins and my NP is from University of Maryland. I have been involved in research for most of my career and always pediatrics. I have seen many ethical challenges and discussions throughout my career .

  • Anand Shukla-Parekh


    I'm a current undergraduate at Trinity College Dublin and Columbia University studying philosophy through the Trinity-Columbia Dual BA Program. I'm interested in ethics and political philosophy, and how they can be applied to writing bioethics policy. I hope to get involved with public health and health policy, especially in regards to regulating and distributing novel biotechnology.

  • Harry Meister


    I am a psychology (neuroscience specialty) and philosophy student interested in the determination of patients rights, particularly in pediatric populations and against research findings on agency and capacity for decision making. I am likewise interested on the moral influences of religion or secularism on medical and ethical decision making, and likewise on the way that science education and outreach in the health sciences helps to create more informed populations. I have research experience in clinical medicine and in scientific communication to the general public, and have even won a national award for one of my published pieces. I have also written articles in the field of Jewish studies that touch on various themes in bioethics and moral philosophy pertaining to my interests.

  • Sadie Lipman

    High School

    I’ve studied at summer programs at Yale and Clemson that focus on bioengineering, the ethics of using virtual reality and robotics in healthcare. I’ve been a worlds-qualifier for VEX robotics. I’m currently taking both advanced chemistry and AP biology courses. I’ve also taken multiple politics courses that focus on medical policy and bioethics.

  • Mary Morris

    High School

    I am a rising senior in high school from Seattle, Washington and I am excited to pursue neuroscience in the future. This past summer, I did research at Boston University and computationally modeled the effects of Propranolol in PTSD treatment. During the project, I was fascinated by debate over the morality of this treatment: ranging from issues of legal justice, military applications, and self-image. I am particularly interested in the topics of consciousness and neurotechnology's ethical implications.

  • Ariya Reddy

    High School

    My name is Ariya Reddy, and I'm currently a junior at the Harker Upper School. During a summer research fellowship regarding effective altruism, the idea of bioethics in emerging technologies was one of the ideas covered extensively. As someone drawn to history and biotech, having been a biochemistry and biomedical intern prior, I was immediately intrigued. I hope to demystify myself on biology's many implications and questions as I continue learning about this rich field.

  • Zahara Alzubaidi

    Graduate Student

    I am completing my BA/MA in Healthcare Ethics at the University of Louisville. I hope to attend medical school afterward and incorporate my passion for clinical ethics into my practice. My research interests relate to improving cultural concordance in clinical settings, and the ways that philosophy of self manifests in clinical interactions.

  • Aisha Doumouya


    I am a recent UNC graduate who majored in Biology, and I was introduced to bioethics through my sustaining interest in biology. I started taking a serious interest in bioethics when it was subtopic of a unit in my genetics class. Shortly after, I joined the Bioethics Society of UNC, a new club in 2021. That year I wrote a mock case-study for the club about CRISPR, and it was later presented in one of the general body meeting. I joined the case committee in 2022.

  • Briana Lopez-Patino


    Briana Lopez-Patino is a rising senior at Binghamton University majoring in philosophy. She is a McNair Scholar and writing an honors thesis on the ethics of human genome editing to get rid of undesirable traits. She is currently researching the ethics of neural chimeras at Johns Hopkins University through the Genomics and Society Mentorship Program. Briana is also a research assistant in the Human Sexualities Lab at Binghamton, conducting oral history interviews to research the history of GMHC. She aspires to complete a PhD in philosophy and become a philosophy professor with a research focus in bioethics and a clinical ethics consultant. She also hopes to serve on ethics committees and IRBs. Her research interests include clinical ethics, medical racism/malpractice, and human genome manipulation.

  • Abdallah Al Khaouli


    Hello! My name is Abdallah Al Khaouli and I am currently a sophomore student majoring in Biomedical Sciences while pursuing a pre-dental track. I am President of the Undergraduate Society of Bioethics and Medicine in University at Buffalo. The field of bioethics is something I believe to be of great significance in ensuring everyone has access to healthcare while having their rights maintained with the assistance of regularly updated health regulations.

  • Hannah Kirk

    Medical Student

    My name is Hannah Kirk - I am an osteopathic medical student at Pacific Northwest University. I have an academic background in biomedical ethics and a research background in bioethics regarding the consequences of scientific censorship, politically driven and targeted disaccreditation strategies, and epistomologies of ignorance within institutional structures. I am passionate about philosophy and ethics and the ways these may impact our behaviors and perspectives, especially in the healthcare setting.

  • Chinmayi Balusu

    Master's of Public Health

    Chinmayi is a neuroepidemiology and medical humanities student at Columbia University in New York City. She is a researcher at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Stanford Medicine with interests in cognitive neuroscience, brain injury, stroke, and neuroethics. Chinmayi serves as the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Simply Neuroscience, a global non-profit organization dedicated to expanding student involvement in neuroscience and psychology through interdisciplinary education, outreach, and awareness initiatives. Additionally, Chinmayi is a youth science communicator, three-time TEDx speaker, and leadership board member of 500 Women Scientists (an organization serving society by making science open, inclusive, and accessible).

  • Nidhi Bhaskar

    Medical Student

    PLME student at Brown, currently getting my master's in medical anthropology at the University of Oxford. I am Interested in medical ethics, medical anthropology- especially within topics such as organ allocation and physician assisted suicide. I have had experiences researching the AIDS epidemic among MSM communities in New England, serve as a technical editor for the Global Emergency Medicine Literature Review, and have done research with Children's Hospital of LA on pediatric opioid prescription protocols.

  • Kiera Drew

    High School

    Kiera's passion for STEM officially began in elementary school, where she started participating in cyber security, solar system, Future City, and First Lego League (FLL) competitions. Recently, during the summer of 2022, she was a bioethics intern at a Baltimore non-profit organization called STEMcx. In this internship, she garnered more information about the field of bioethics and what it entails. With her aspirations of becoming a biomedical engineer, she is excited to see what the future holds for the discovery of new technologies to improve one’s quality of life. While applying the principles of bioethics and being guided by the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, she hopes to advocate for minority communities and allow these technologies to become easily accessible to underrepresented groups.

  • Chaya Greenberg


    Hello, my name is Chaya Greenberg, and I am a freshman at Hunter College on the pre-medical track, as part of the Yalow Scholars Program. I am majoring in biology and earning a business certificate and I am also a RockEDU Hunter Research Scholar at Rockefeller University. I am particularly interested in bioethics because I believe understanding ethical principles in healthcare will not only enrich my medical education but also make me a more compassionate and effective doctor in the future.

  • Joseph Ayinde


    I'm Joseph, a Junior at UNC Chapel Hill, pursuing a Biology major with minors in Neuroscience and Entrepreneurship. On the pre-med track, I possess a deep fascination with the intricacies of the brain and its relationship to human behavior and health. My Nigerian-American heritage and dual citizenship have granted me a unique cultural perspective that I believe is essential in understanding bioethical challenges on a global scale. Through my studies and research experiences, I aim to explore bioethics and its intersection with health humanities, seeking to address ethical dilemmas in medicine and promote equitable healthcare solutions.

  • Blair Wehman

    High School

    I am passionate about biology, marine biology, philosophy, and ethics. My interest in bioethics was inspired after doing research on the history of Henrietta Lacks and her HeLa cells. I would like to become a bioethicist as a career. I have done research in pediatric orthopedic surgery, patient outcomes, bioetics research on history of HeLa cells and would like to become more involved.

  • Ambria Williams


    Ambria Williams's work focuses on the ethical and legal implementation of biotechnology. She has conducted legal and policy research on gene therapy, genetic testing, medical AI, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines. Her research interests include using science fiction as an educational tool to engage general audiences in science and health policy.

  • Lorenzo Selvaggi

    Graduate Student

    Lorenzo Selvaggi is a doctoral candidate in Catholic Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University's esteemed Center for Global Healthcare Ethics. Lorenzo holds a Master of Science in Biomedical Ethics from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics from Robert Morris University. Prior to the start of his doctoral endeavors, Lorenzo worked as a Research and Administrative Coordinator at the University of Pittsburgh's Palliative Care Research Center. While pursuing his doctoral degree, Lorenzo concurrently serves as a teaching assistant at Duquesne University and holds a fellowship with the Jewish Healthcare Foundation. His primary research interests focus on reshaping Catholic healthcare through personalism for today's global crises.

  • Tatyana Koustov

    Medical Student

    I am a medical student interested in pursuing Dermatology. I first became interested in bioethics through an interest group at my medical school and in lectures where we discussed cases and topics such as end-of-life care, patient autonomy, and reproductive rights.

  • Alyssa Panton

    Master of Bioethics (MBE) Student

    Harvard College AB '21, Harvard Medical School Master of Bioethics MBE '22

  • Jenna Matthews


    I'm a biochemistry major from South Carolina, and my goal is to attend medical school to become a forensic pathologist. A major point of interest which led me to that goal is the current landscape of forensics and it's potential for positive changes. I hope to become more educated on the social and legal issues in the profession of forensics and the medical field as a whole.

  • Aoibhe Charles

    High School

    I am a high school junior extremely interested in medicine, and hoping to pursue a career in pediatrics. I attend a college prep school in NY and am a first generation student.

  • Louisa Kelly

    High School

    Hi! I’m a junior in high school, and am in my schools Health and Medical Occupations Academy program where all my classes have a medical focus! Currently I’m doing an internship with tele-squads, where we use telemedicine to help individuals in Ghana. I also volunteer at my local hospital!

  • Shawn Kaura

    Medical Student

    Shawn Kaura is a graduate from University of Pennsylvania's Master of Bioethics program. There he researched with the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics as well as with Johns Hopkins University and the World Health Organization. He is now entering his first year of medical school in Pennsylvania.

  • Ifeanyichukwu Akuma

    MSc. Research Ethics

    Research interests in ethics of deception, nutrition science, research ethics, and clinical ethics.

  • Tara McQuerry


    My name is Tara McQuerry and I am at MCPHS for the biotechnology program. Within this pathway, there are many questions regarding bioethics. I am interested in pursuing genetic engineering and want a place within our community that I can express my concerns on the future of new medicines.

  • Ruby Ramirez


    Hello, I am Ruby Rios Ramirez and I am a fourth year undergraduate student studying biochemistry at UC San Diego. I am first generation student who is inspired and motivated to ensure my community and other underrepresented communities are heard and supported within the medical field. I have done bioengineering and clinical research, and some of the work I have done has focused on bioethics and accessibility which is something I hope to continue to pursue in the future.

  • Tia Abu Sham

    Medical Student

    Tia holds a BS degree in Biology and Philosophy and an MA in Philosophy, specifically focused on the philosophy of medicine and biomedical ethics. Tia is now a first-year medical student at CHSU-COM in California.

  • Noah Dimas

    PhD Student

    I am a PhD student at Duquesne University. I have my BA in Biology from St. Edward's University in Austin, TX. I currently have a focus on Catholic Healthcare Ethics, the Catholic moral Tradition and their intersection with end-of-life ethics. My current professional goal is to gain a position in Clinical Ethics as an Healthcare Ethics Consultant.

  • Mena Samwiel

    High School

    I have a strong passion for bioethics, particularly in how ethical principles guide medical decisions and patient care, especially in the context of oncology. As a high school student aspiring to become an oncologist, I’ve developed my understanding of medical ethics through my studies and personal research. My interest in bioethics is closely tied to my goal of helping cancer patients, where I hope to navigate the complex ethical challenges, they often face. I'm eager to volunteer and contribute to this meaningful work.

  • Ava Goumas


    I am currently working as a research assistant for Stanford bioethics department on projects mostly in the rare disease space. I am a pre-med student hoping to focus my undergraduate studies on bioethics and the humanities side of medicine.

  • Camilo Leon Rosenfield

    High School

    My interest in bioethics arises because I recognize that new technologies such as CRISPR and AI have enormous power to influence people’s well being and I believe that ethical approaches are necessary to make sure society applies these technologies well. Last year, I read The Code Breaker, a biography of Jennifer Doudna, the biochemist who helped develop CRISPR. She saw how gene editing could treat medical conditions and solve problems such as climate change, and she urged the world to use CRISPR responsibly. The book inspired me to take the ethics course I’m enrolled in now. I’ve been fascinated to learn about different ethical frameworks such as virtue ethics and utilitarianism.

  • Nicole So

    High School

    As an aspiring biotechnology and bioengineering student, I am interested in the ethics of the field. I want to be mindful of how I approach research and new advances, including animal experimentation, human-AI advances, and biological rights with diversity. I have launched a blog to promote and encourage ethical decisions. I want to promote thinking on environmental and biomedical ethics and help young people navigate ethical problems in their professions. I'm excited to use this programme to network, find research opportunities, have meaningful discussions, and make change.

  • Victoria Campbell


    My name is Victoria Campbell and I am an undergraduate student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I have a strong interest in genetic engineering and genetic sciences.

  • Stephen Koenig


    I’m a philosophy major at USF with a background in ethics.

  • Russell Ramalie

    Graduate Student

    Presently, I am in the Masters program for Theoretical and Applied Ethics and I will be taking this discipline as far as I can as I believe I have positive contributions that will help with our overall understanding of bioethical theories.

  • Jo Liberman


    I currently study Philosophy and Neuroscience at Temple University, and through the 4+1 program working towards both my Bachelor's and Master's degree. I am interested, primarily, in neuroethics and my research has been focused on the ethics of neuroenhancement as well as policy and regulation surrounding emerging neurotechnology. Most recently, I have been exploring the connection of AI and virtual reality to our understanding of consciousness.

  • Ren Yagawara

    Graduate Student

    Current MBE student at Harvard Medical School.

  • Marcus Piattoni


    I am a junior Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience major at Loyola University Chicago with a minor in Bioethics. I am specifically interested in the Neuroethics of learning and memory, A.I., and the bioethics of death and dying.

  • Shonita Srinivasan


    I am a third year at University of Toronto studying Bioethics as one of majors! I am intersted in working on the intersection of philosophy, law and the policy application of Bioethics in society.

  • Malak Al Azawi


    Hello! I'm a current undergraduate student majoring in Biological Sciences and on the pre-med track at SUNY University At Buffalo. I'm interested in the field of bioethics because it explores the intersection of science, morality, and societal values while shaping policies and guidelines for healthcare, research, and the treatment of individual. Understanding ethical considerations and dilemmas that arise in health care settings is crucial to the well-being and autonomy of patients. I'm looking forward to exploring the field of bioethics to better uphold the integrity of a healthcare profession.

  • Tia Ketsan


    Hi everyone! My name is Tia and I'm currently an undergraduate at UCLA. For the past 3 years I've researched with NYU's Transplant Institute & Medical Ethics Division regarding ethics in xenotransplantation. I plan to continue to conduct this research in my future career and hope to learn more about other ethical issues surrounding the healthcare field.

  • Chad Childers

    Master of Bioethics Student

    I am a Master of Bioethics student at Harvard Medical School. Upon completion of my degree, I will return to Indiana to finish my last two years of medical school and I hope to one day practice as a hospice physician. I am interested in end-of-life care, animal rights, free will, and medical education.

  • Alberta Hogan

    Graduate Student

    Looking ahead, as a college student, I hope to further my study in the field of bioethics.

  • Nichole Cubbage

    Doctoral Student of Health Science

    I am currently a second semester doctoral student in health science. My research experience lies within neuroimaging and human rights. Some of the things that interest me regarding bioethics include but are not limited to: patient information/consent, the singularity, ans genetic modification/editing.

  • Julie Cakici

    PA Student

    I am a former pediatric emergency nurse turned pediatric genomic researcher and am currently pursuing my PhD in Public Health in the Joint Doctoral Program at University of California San Diego and San Diego State University. I have a certificate in Pediatric Bioethics and graduated from St. John's College and Research College of Nursing. My current research focuses on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of -omics research, specifically examining structural and policy barriers to equitable access to advanced research technology.

  • Nitya Devireddy

    Medical Student

    I am a current third-year medical student at the Penn State College of Medicine. I have a BS from the University Southern California and a MPH from SUNY Downstate School of Public Health. My interests lie in global health and refugee populations.

  • Ariel Leath

    Graduate school

    Ariel Leath is pursuing a Masters in Bioethics from the University of Pittsburgh. Her research concerns end-of-life policies and ethical consideration specifically concerning emerging medical technologies.

  • Elizabeth Mathews

    Graduate Student (non-medical)

    I am a disability scholar who has a BA and MA in medical sociology. As a disabled individual, I am focused on the bioethics of disability. Some of my interests include disability access during COVID-19, barriers of disabled students to medical school, barriers of disabled individuals in academia, and more. While I have the sociology part planned, I am looking to add a larger piece of bioethics into the topics and would like to be part of an organization that will allow me to collaborate and meet with other like-minded people.

  • Lucy Bland

    High School

    I live in New York City and I am a sophomore in high school. I've been a part of my school's bioethics club for two years, and I am applying to be a part of my school's ethics team as well. I love engaging in discussions about bioethics issues, and enjoy studying ethics and philosophy in my Greek and Latin classes.

  • Aashna Pandya


    My name is Aashna, and I am a rising junior at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences studying Premedical Health Studies with a minor in Health Psychology. I am passionate about medicine and raising mental health awareness - specifically mental health awareness among low-income families. In addition, I am skilled in Communication, Critical Thinking, and Equity and Inclusion. I was privileged to gain these skills through on-campus leadership roles like Peer Tutoring, Orientation Leader, and International Student Guide, as well as volunteering opportunities such as a Food Distributor at Food on Wheels.

  • Daniel Dong


    An ambitious student who is driven to become successful in the medical field. Inquisitive interest in learning more, emphasizes a strong work ethic and wants to continue to gain additional experience to succeed as a Biology student. Graduating MCPHS at 2025, no prior research experience and interested in regulating prices of drugs, making marijuana not a schedule 1 drug, and making certain items in the pharmacy not behind the counter.

  • Sue Lee


    I graduated from the University of Toronto with an undergraduate degree from the bioethics specialist program. I am highly passionate about the ethical practices behind AI use in the healthcare industry as well as in education.

  • Lydia Murray

    High School

    My first deep dive into bioethics was quite recently. In my AP Biology class we were learning about the HeLa cells, and as such, Henrietta Lacks. After hearing about her, I focused almost all my attention that should have gone to my AP Bio course to learning about bioethics. I don’t have much research experience, a couple of my finals for this year were Research papers- especially in my AP classes- and I have done my own reading on topics of interest to me. This summer, I’m working on a research project in this healthcare program I am in, and next year, I will be taking a course dedicated to research.

  • Shruti Govindarajan

    High School

    I am a current junior and rising senior in Adlai E Stevenson High. I am interested in ethics specifically in Womens Health and also healthcare in general. I want to major in Neuroscience or Medical Laboratory sciences, Bioethics, or Biochemistry.

  • Aya Boulghobra

    High School

    I have a strong interest in bioethics, particularly in the ethical considerations of emerging medical technologies and patient care. My educational background includes extensive experience in science research, tutoring, and volunteer work in healthcare settings, which has deepened my understanding of the complexities in medical decision-making. I have also participated in science research programs and plan to pursue a medical internship, furthering my exposure to ethical dilemmas in clinical environments. Additionally, I am passionate about youth education and leadership, as demonstrated by my tutoring and organizational roles in various school activities.

  • Cathy Bi


    I am a current graduate student at Columbia University's Teachers College studying Philosophy and Education. I completed my undergraduate studies in Philosophy at Boston College. I have immense interest in bioethics and its practical applications in the current climate. I would like to gain more hands on knowledge in the subject by doing the NSBA.

  • Ari Gluckman


    graduated with degrees in english & physics from Penn State University and am now conducting bioethics work on involuntary commitment data; currently working as an advanced EMT for a rural ambulance service, and applying to medical schools in during the 2024-25 cycle

  • Zoe Lewczak

    Graduate Student

    Zoe Lewczak is an bioethicist with a passion for human well-being and flourishing. As a teen, she spent years working on an anti-tobacco campaign, where she grew a passion for behavior change marketing, health advocacy, and policy. Her work led to the passing of HB 2384 and SB 1295 in Virginia's legislation banning tobacco and e-cigarette products on all school property. While studying at the University of Virginia, Lewczak began focusing on cognitive science with a concentration in the neuroscience field. Eventually, she found her passion through the intersection of medicine and morality in the field of bioethics. Zoe previously worked with Rescue Agency as a Youth Field Organizer on a youth obesity prevention and tobacco-use control campaign. In this role, she managed strategic recruitment, engagement, and training efforts among Virginia high schoolers with a goal to promote healthy behavior change across the state through policy change. Afterwards, Zoe worked with Georgetown University's Global Health and Global Infectious Disease graduate programs. In this role, she was responsible for building and maintaining programs’ learning communities through recruitment of applicants, engagement of current students, curriculum support, and providing faculty with teaching and research assistance. Currently, she supports the external affairs team of the Clinical Science Core (CSC) for NIH RECOVER. NYU serves as the scientific leadership and operational backbone of the RECOVER Initiative, set up to better understand post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection, known as Long COVID. Lewczak also studies Bioethics at Harvard Medical School, where she is focusing on clinical ethics. As an aspiring physician-ethicist, Lewczak envisions a future dedicated to advancing the field of clinical ethics, with research focuses on adolescent medicine and end-of-life care. This vision is rooted in her youth field work with Rescue Agency paired with her global health work at Georgetown University.

  • Logan Tsukiyama


    Logan is an undergraduate student at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) pursuing a bachelor's degree in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Bioethics. With an interest in healthcare accessibility, she has been actively involved in vaccine cold chain research in Uganda, as well as research in developing low-resource diagnostic technologies for tuberculosis at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering. Areas of interest include the ethics of gene editing, AI in medicine, and neuroethics. After graduation, she intends on pursuing master's and PhD degrees in Bioethics to work in clinical ethics and academia.

  • Noor Al-Khaouli


    I am an undergraduate psychology student who is also minoring in philosophy at SUNY University At Buffalo. I am currently the vice president of the undergraduate society of bioethics and medicine at UB. Additionally, I am a research assistant in the UB Media Psychology and Morality Lab.I plan on pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology after achieving my Psychology BA.

  • Platinum-Clare Obegolu

    High School

    I am currently in Grade 12 in high school. Bioethics has always been an important to me regarding my country. It has always been a dream of mine to study and focus on the ethics of medicine. I am currently working with three health foundations that focus on improving health with Nigeria.

  • Leigh Meyer


    Leigh recently graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in Linguistics and minors in Medical Humanities and Philosophy & Bioethics. In the summer of 2022, Leigh was a biomedical ethics research intern at Mayo Clinic, examining the ethical implications of financial toxicity in early-phase clinical trials. In August 2023, she will begin a post-bacc in Mayo Clinic's Office of Clinical Ethics. Leigh has interests in surrogate decision-making, informed consent practices, and climate-smart health care.

  • Samuel Streicher

    Medical Student

    Samuel Streicher is an Emergency Medical Technician with the University of Rochester’s Medical Emergency Response Team, beginning medical school in the Fall of 2023. With publications surrounding research ethics, decision-making capacity, and bias in medicolegal fields, Samuel’s health policy research analyzes patient care with a humanities-focused lens. Majoring in bioethics and minoring in biology as well as gender, sexuality, and women’s studies, Samuel hopes to contribute to medicine as a strong patient advocate.

  • Danylo Duvalko

    Graduate Student

    I am a bioethics graduate student at Harvard Medical School. Within bioethics, I am interested in the ethics of mental health and mental illnesses. I am particularly interested in promoting the role that a patient's lived experience plays in clinical encounters.

  • Jia Cummings


    Jia Cummings is a rising senior University Scholar at Baylor University, where she concentrates in Bioethics, Public Health, and Religion. Her research interests include assisted reproductive technologies and disability ethics. After graduation, she intends to earn Ph.D. in Bioethics in pursuit of a career as a clinical ethicist. Outside of academics, Jia loves to hike, arrange flowers, and try new restaurants around Texas.

  • Jacob Nunn

    High School

    I have some research experience through the years, and I’m a freshman pursuing to be a stem major.

  • Varesh Gorabi

    Medical Student

    I'm part of the AMA's student Bioethics Committee and like learning about ethical issues concerning patient health. I'm particularly interested in women's health, and hope to do some bioethics research.

  • Anya Hamil


    My name is Anya Hamil and I am a student at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. My research experience consists of projects completed at Rutgers concerning mental health in motherhood as well as the water quality of the Raritan River in New Jersey. I have also had the opportunity to conduct research concerning using improved modalities in healthcare to aid decision-making for sickle cell disease patients. My bioethics interests consist of informed consent and continuing my research concerning sickle cell disease.

  • Matt Jones


    Hi, my name is Matt Jones. I will be a philosophy/classics double major at UW-Milwaukee starting in the Spring Semester. My interests in bioethics are primarily focused on the use of anesthetics, human dignity, and the importance of reproductive health. Because of my experience working as a psychiatric CNA, I am interested in attending medical school.

  • Areen Khan

    High School

    I am a junior in high school at the University Of Chicago laboratory schools, who is interested in the fields of public and global health. My plan is to Major in those two fields in my undergraduate degree, and then pursue a JD/MD. I have always been fascinated by drug trials and other types of research in the medical field. I’ve also done quite a bit of research into biomedical warfare and I’m currently working on a submission about this for national history day. In addition, I have written paper on biomedical ethics during the Bosnian genocide, which I hope to publish in the coming years.

  • Elizabeth (Lizzie) Fu

    Medical Student

    Hello! I grew up in New York City and am now studying medicine (BSc, MBBS) at University College London. My desire to pursue medicine was initially sparked by spending much of my childhood in hospitals and clinics, where I learned about the importance of ethics in healthcare and research. My curiosity led me to pursue research opportunities, where I became acquainted with ethics in the lab, and to becoming president of the Medical Ethics Society in school. My particular ethics interests lie in consent and capacity for pediatric patients, dilemmas in fetal medicine, and access to care, for which I wrote a paper comparing healthcare systems in the US and the UK. I appreciate the insight I currently receive studying in the UK, and I hope to come back to the US to practice.

  • Hannah Carpenter

    Incoming PhD Student

    Hannah Carpenter is an incoming PhD student at the University of Texas in Galveston, where she will be studying Bioethics and Health Humanities. Hannah has read law in England and has an undergraduate degree in Law with American Law (LLB) from the University of East Anglia, as well as a Masters degree (MA) in Medical Law and Ethics from Kings College London. Hannah has a strong interest in reproductive law and medicine due to her background working in law and policy at the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. She also has an interest in the access to healthcare of incarcerated patients, particularly for pregnant woman and the comparison of this treatment in the UK and US.

  • Kenna McRae

    Graduate Student

    I have a background in STEM, global health, bioethics, and science policy. Right now, I'm studying bioethics and science policy at Duke University. I'm broadly interested in the ethics and equity implications of innovation. I'm also interested in how to translate ethics into effective policies and R&D.

  • Natasha Matta

    High School

    Natasha Matta (she/her) is a high school student ('22) from the Bay Area passionate about public and environmental health, psychology, bioethics, and health policy. She is a member of the Vaccine Student Working Group on Ethics and Policy under NYU's Dr. Arthur Caplan, where she researches and writes op-eds on vaccine equity and medical ethics and leads an infographic project to combat misinformation. Natasha founded Rediscover STEAM, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and publication that shed light on the often overlooked stories of women in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics throughout history, and co-founded the Environmental Justice Coalition, the first grassroots, youth-led movement mobilizing the next generation of activists in the fight for intersectional environmental justice. She is also a Public Health Policy Fellow at The Greater Good Initiative, on the National Team of GirlCon, and a Youth Ambassador for iGIANT: impact of Gender/Sex on Innovation and Novel Technologies. Her research experience includes interning at Harvard on cognitive neuroscience and psychopathology, and completing summer programs and research intensivese in Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine at Brown University, Bioinformatics and Cancer Biology at UC Berkeley, and Genetics and Chemistry at Smith College. This summer, she will be conducting research at the Center for Behavioral Health Services and Implementation Research (CBHSIR), working to increase access to mental health and substance use disorder care.

  • Hongyi Wei

    High School

    I am a high school senior with interests in bioethics and biological research. I have research experience in synthetic biology and genetic engineering, and encounter ethical concerns with my research often. I plan to major in molecular biology while obtaining a minor in bioethics.

  • Pranav Vadlamudi


    Pranav Vadlamudi is an undergraduate student at Bowdoin College interested in the intersection between philosophy and medicine. He loves engaging in philosophical discussions of any topic, but he especially loves discussing topics in epistemology and bioethics. He has a passion for rural health, service, and non-profit work, and is interested in conducting research on rural health ethics. He loves to bike, listen to music, and play harmonium in his free time.

  • Nathaniel Mamo

    Graduate Student

    MA student at NYU Bioethics. Former Research Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute. Interested in the intersection of international development and health policy. Looking to learn more about collective-decision making in healthcare and priority setting.

  • Wynne Zheng

    Graduate Student

    I'm a current graduate student in the master's program for bioethics at Case Western Reserve University, and I'm interested in examining the intersection of bioethics and health disparities, reproductive ethics, and improving the physician-patient relationship.

  • Jules Barlow

    Master's Student

    Jules received her B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics from NYU (2018) and is currently pursuing a M.A. in Bioethics & Science Policy at Duke University (2022). In the future, she hopes to combine her previous experience working for technology companies with her interest in health/healthcare. Specifically, Jules is pursuing a career in ethical healthcare tech policy.

  • Emily Patterson


    I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioethics at Wake Forest Graduate School concurrent to a Bachelor of Science in Biology with minors in Bioethics, Humanities, and Medicine at Wake Forest University. I have gained research experience through an independent summer project at Genomic Prediction, Inc. where I analyzed the accuracy rates of predictive karyotyping for embryonic samples, evaluated the protocol of rebiopsy, and shadowed genetic counselors in their interactions with IVF patients. I am committed to promoting ethical practices and respect for patient autonomy and humanity in the rapidly advancing field of gene therapy and genetics.

  • Nick Ludka

    Medical Student

    I am currently an MS2 student at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. My main interests in bioethics are neuroethics and decision making capacity/surrogate decision making. I will be pursuing an M.S. in bioethics from the Albany Medical College Alden March Bioethics Institute beginning June 2022.

  • Arielle Coughlin

    Medical Student

    I'm a current MD-MS at the Icahn School of Medicine and Clarkson University. I have a particular interest in reproductive ethics and pediatric ethics and value the opportunity to hear from others with interests in those fields, and Bioethics more broadly.

  • Fatima Abu Bakr


    I completed an undergrad in Medical Ethics and Genetics, and am now applying to medical schools. I have attended the Yale Bioethics Program twice now and have found myself interested in researching clinical decision making through an Islamic jurisprudence lense. My goal would be to be a practicing physician and clinical ethicist who focuses on religious ethics.

  • Jessica Wang

    High School

    I have been interested in bioethics since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. I am currently a freshman in high school, and am intrigued by bioethics. The desire to research about this topic has been a constant passion.

  • Samantha Tsang

    Graduate Student

    I am a Masters in Bioethics and Medical Humanities candidate at Case Western Reserve University. As an undergraduate, I worked on stem cells studying pediatric neurodegenerative diseases and took a few courses in bioethics. This along with an interest in pursuing a career in medicine inspired me to want to learn more about clinical and research ethics particularly in pediatric and adolescent care. My goal is to deliver compassionate and ethical care to patients as a future healthcare provider.

  • Julia Etkin


    Having recently completed my Bachelor's degree in Science, Medicine, and Technology in Culture with minors in Law and Political Science from Union College in New York, I have acquired a comprehensive foundation in bioethics, global health policy, philosophy, history, public policy, ethical advocacy, regulatory affairs, risk assessment, human rights, medical law, patient ethics, intersectionalities of health, clinical research ethics, health regulation standards, data analysis, public health prevention tactics, biological economics, genomic editing (CRISPR/Cas9), health services research, health-threat strategy, vaccine development with patent policy, and related disciplines that contribute to the growing field of bioethics. My cross-disciplinary degree encouraged me to prioritize and seek research on complex socio-technical problems that can be best confronted using a distributed approach through collaboration, and my own research has included various material and social facets of equity, ethics, and policy issues regarding pandemic response preparedness, drug development and vaccine retention in public health, preventative care models, gender health equity, cross-cultural therapeutic strategies for marginalized communities, trauma-informed care and consent, global public health initiatives for chronic autoimmune disorders, law and regulations concerning digital technologies like AI, political science research, censorship policy, and political ethics motivating vulnerable population exclusion and marginalization. My undergraduate honor’s senior thesis highlighted both legal and regulatory frameworks in the United States, United Kingdom, and China where I researched how CRISPR poses advantages and disadvantages to these regulatory systems and population health, as well as the global nature of moral and ethical conduct and synthesized my own global policy and regulatory body that takes into account how the history of eugenics leads to the current paradox of why DNA matters for social equality.

  • Sarah Barhouma

    Dual Undergraduate (pre-med) and Master's (MHA) Program

    My name is Sarah, and I have just completed my third year of undergraduate studies on the pre-med track, as well as my first year of graduate studies in the Master of Health Administration (MHA) program, at the University of Southern California. I've always had a passion for writing and a deep-seated interest in the intersection of medicine and law, both of which have prompted me to look into opportunities to engage with existing literature surrounding the fields and their convergence. Moreover, I have spent almost the entirety of my undergraduate career working as a research assistant in a transplant immunology lab at the USC Keck School of Medicine. As I come up on three years of being a member of this lab, I have grown increasingly interested in the ethical issues relevant to solid organ transplantation, and am eager to seek out opportunities that will allow me to delve deeper in the exploration of this topic.

  • Aneth Fernandez


    Aneth is an undergraduate student at Tufts University studying Biomedical Engineering. Her interest in bioethics sparked from taking a class on Medicine, Ethics & the Law and the many ethically gray areas of biomedical research. Aneth hopes to further her knowledge on the intersection of bioethics and the law with an emphasis on reproductive ethics and genetic ethics.

  • Santina Musto

    Master of Health Policy & Equity

    Santina holds a MA in Health Policy and Equity from the School of Health Policy and Management at York University and a BSc. (Hons) in Psychology from Acadia University. Presently, Santina’s research focuses on the production of mental health policy and Canada’s policy response to public health emergencies, e.g., COVID-19, SARS, etc. Of particular interest are the ways in which evolving bioethical and equity considerations, such as coercion, are positioned across national and international health spaces. Building upon her experience as a Canadian-trained policy analyst, Santina aims to complete a Ph.D. in Health Policy while remaining dedicated to pursuing health equity through advocacy and policy reform.

  • Leandra Lyon

    Graduate Student

    Leandra Lyon is a first year student in the Master of Science in Bioethics program at Columbia University. She graduated from Iowa State University in Spring 2021 with a degree in biology. She is also an alumna of the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute in Bioethics at Yale University and the Global Bioethics Initiative Summer School. Her research interests focus on issues of reproductive health access, with a concentration on the history of the birth control movement, abortion rights, and the eugenics movement and their impact on current policy.

  • Jade Firlie

    High School

    As a high school student in Florida, graduating in the class of 2024, my passion for bioethics was ignited through my involvement in HOSA – Future Health Professionals at my school. Participating in the medical law and ethics event, I had the opportunity to compete and emerged as the first-place winner at the State Qualifier. Excitingly, this summer I will be engaging in research under the guidance of a bioethics professor and neurosurgeon, focusing specifically on the intricate realm of neurosurgical ethics. Bioethics, with its profound connections to various fields of medicine and public health, captivates me, motivating me to pursue a degree in the health sciences. I aspire to delve deeper into the exploration of ethical dilemmas, policy implications, and the societal impact arising from advancements in the medical field.

  • María Pérez Bandera

    Currently studying a Master in Bioethics and Biolaw

    Spanish Social Worker studying a Master in Bioethics and Biolaw from ULL. Published an academic paper related with Social Work and Palliative Care. Member of the steering committee of the EAPC.

  • Douglas Davison

    Graduate student

    Current Wake Forest Bioethics MA student.

  • Vilma Kodyte


    Hi! I am a senior undergraduate student at Reed College, working on a thesis to complete my Biochemistry and Molecular Biology degree. Issues in bioethics that really fascinate me include pediatric consent (especially in the context of pediatric siblings), genetic counseling, disability rights, and the nature of suffering. I volunteered at the Kinsman Bioethics Conference in Lebanon, OR this past spring and really was blown away about how much value this discipline can contribute to the way we practice medicine. Ultimately, I aim to pursue medicine by either becoming a physician or physician's assistant. In my free time, I love rock climbing, wildlife photography, experimenting with coffee methods, and dabbling in oil painting.

  • Odia Kane

    PhD Student

    Odia Kane (she/her) is a doctoral student in Bioethics and Health Policy in the Department of Health Policy and Management. She received a Bachelor of Arts in cognitive science and political science as well as a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Connecticut. Prior to beginning her doctoral studies at Hopkins, Odia completed a fellowship at the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance in Washington, DC. Her research interests include the social and ethical implications of telehealth policy and the dynamics between digital healthcare innovation and race-related health disparities.

  • Alham Saadat

    Master of Science, Bioethics

    I am a biologist by training and am most excited by work at the intersection of biomedical science, ethics, and equity. I believe that as new insights into human health are discovered, it will be critical for researchers to think about about the equal or unequal social implications of these discoveries: Who is affected? How are they affected? and Why?

  • Nandini Bali

    High School

    I have a deep interest in bioethics, particularly how it intersects with medicine and patient care. My educational background is rooted in the sciences, with a strong focus on biology and ethics, preparing me for a career in healthcare. I've been involved in research studies, exploring topics such as child trafficking and gun violence. My passion for research has been exhibited through an award from SAAWA. I aim to integrate my passion for bioethics into my medical career, ensuring patient dignity and ethical decision-making are central to my practice.

  • Michele Anzabi

    MSc in Bioethics

    Michele Anzabi is a Master of Science in Bioethics candidate at Harvard Medical School, where she received the Dean's scholarship for her work in advancing the position of the underserved and underrepresented in her field. She is currently researching fetal therapy ethics at Boston Children's Hospital. Along with minors in Chemistry and Hispanic Studies, Michele earned her Bachelors of Arts degree in Health & Societies with a concentration in Bioethics through the History & Sociology of Science department at the University of Pennsylvania. As an undergraduate, she worked in reproductive justice with PERIOD and the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, global public health at the Shifo Foundation, medical humanities at the Collegium Institute, and clinical ethics at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Michele hopes to have a career that integrates her interests in bioethics and medicine.

  • Tamera Simon

    High School

    My name is Tamera Simon. I’m a rising highschool senior from Georgia. My goal is to major in biomedical engineering and concentrate on regenerative medicine in the future. I find it interesting because it mixes my love of science and technology with the chance to help create ground-breaking healthcare solutions. I intend to help enhance the methods and technologies that encourage the regrowth and repair of harmed tissues and organs. I worked with 6 other students and a mentor to write a paper on “Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Using Single MRI and Deep Neural Networks”. I’m currently in the process of writing 2 of my own research papers as well. I’m also cofounder of Genesis.ttr an organization dedicated to inspiring and educating stem youth who are disadvantaged because of their socioeconomic level.

  • Annabelle Walter

    High School

    I am a student at Kent Place interested in ethics and bioethical conversations.

  • Sally Yan

    Graduate Student

    I recently graduated from Rice University with a B.S. in Biosciences and a minor in Medical Humanities and will be attending the University of Cambridge for a MPhil in Health, Medicine, and Society next year. Bioethics is one of my many interests in the medical humanities, and I'm particularly interested in communitarian, justice, or care-based ethical frameworks. Additionally, some of my topics of interests include public health, resource allocation, vaccinations, and infectious diseases.

  • Rohan Meda


    I believe bioethics is a crucial field to bridge gaps between traditionally divided fields. As an incoming medical student, I am interested in empirical bioethics with translational effects to clinical care, especially related to neurodegeneration, critical care medicine, palliative care, and spiritual care. I am currently a research fellow at the NIH doing research on using circulating biomarkers and genomics to improve clinical outcomes for lung and heart transplant patients. I graduated summa cum laude and high research honors from Loyola University Chicago in May 2021 with a major in Molecular Neuroscience and a Bioethics minor. I also founded the Interdisciplinary Bioethics and Philosophy Lab at Loyola ( and have published several short commentaries in AJOB and AJOB Neuroscience with my team. Additionally, I am currently writing a first-author empirical neuroethics paper regarding the results from a grant funded study on studying moral responsibility in the setting of brain-computer-interfaces (BCI) mediated actions.

  • Muna Jack

    High School

    Hello! I am a current sophomore high school student in New York, and I’m interested in public health, ethics, radiology, and other fields of medicine.Throughout this year, I’ve been involved in a couple of small biomedical engineering activities as well as internships related to other scientific fields. As a high school student who is hoping to become a radiologist in the future, I aspire to make healthcare more accessible and safer for patients of all backgrounds.

  • Annika Raj

    High School

    Annika Raj is a high school student attending Biotechnology high school with a passion for science and debate. She enjoys theatre and has been interested in bioethics ever since the start of freshman year. Her favorite biology topic is genetics, and she loves ethical issues targeted around CRISPR, stem cell research, and gene therapies. This summer, she will be researching at the Waksman Institute Summer Experience (WISE) program at Rutgers University. This will focus on analyzing gene sequences from duckweed plants, and the research will be published in the international repository of DNA sequences. She hopes to one day become involved in bioethical research.

  • Aisha Adeola Isa


    I am a second year biomedical science student. Taking the various science subjects made me interested in the bioethics aspect of them. I hope to further my experience in this area and utilise my skills.

  • Rebecca Liu

    High School

    I am a sophomore interested in bioethics from researching for debate. We researched healthcare systems, and I became interested in ABR, insurance systems, and bioethics overall. I either want to study public health or become a pediatrician when I grow up! I would like to learn more about bioethics in general.

  • Kaavya Shriram

    High School

    I'm really interested in global medical ethics, especially the lack of validity and trust in medicine in rural areas and third world countries. My grandmother was a victim of unethical medicinal care in India which has fostered this interest. I do research and volunteer at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and am an avid member of Science Olympiad. I've dissected a dogfish, fetal pig, a turtle and a cat. In my free time I love to read romance novels, listen to music and bake.

  • Madalyn Brown

    Graduate Student

    I graduated with my Bachelor’s of Bioethics in May 2023 from Saint Louis University. I became interested health care policy, specifically policy affecting women and children. I am currently pursuing my masters degree in health care policy.

  • Peyton Baker

    Graduate Student

    After graduating from Augustana University with a B.A. in biology I joined the Institute for Bioethics and Health Humanities in 2023 as a graduate student. In my undergraduate career, I founded the Medical Humanities Club to establish interdisciplinary collaboration between politicians, physicians, healthcare professionals, and students. My professional background is in genomic research demonstrated by my skill sets in bioinformatics, qPCR, genomic analysis, and basic cell biology. My interests include genomic research, healthcare policy, and humanities.

  • Yonina levisohn


    I am a rising junior at the University of Maryland, studying philosophy and neurobiology on the premed track. In my philosophy classes I have proposed and analyzed positions issues on, such as physician assisted suicide, abortion, issues of limited resources, the relevance of race (if any) in practice. These topics not are not only immensely interesting an meaningful to me, but I see them as a necessary supplement to my science premed reqs. The practice of medicine does not exist in a vacuum and being cognizance of the real world implications-and issues-of what we are leaning brings it a whole new meaning.

  • Jeffrey Konst

    Graduate Student

    New CWRU MA in bioethics student, 4 years of professional experience in acute physical therapy. Very curious to learn more about the treatment of patients and patient rights.

  • Lily Nygren

    Master's Student

    Lily is currently a Master’s of Bioethics student at Johns Hopkins University's Berman Institute of Bioethics and Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is interested in ethical questions surrounding gene editing techniques and therapies, as well as other emerging biotechnologies and their implementation into society. Lily earned her undergraduate degree in Biology from Bates College where she experienced research internships and lab work that contributed to her current interests. She also has earned several training certificates from Stanford University’s online curriculum focusing on ethics, global health, and health policy. Lily is interested in pursuing law school after her MBE so she can combine her passion for bioethics with policymaking and advocacy efforts.

  • Azra Bano

    High School

    I'm a High School Senior based out of New Jersey. I'm excited to see how Ethics plays a role in Technology and Biological Advancements - I've done Research that has won 1st Place in NJ for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence.

  • Minh Hong Tran

    Pharmacy Student

    I am pursuing the Doctor of Pharmacy degree in Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and serve on the executive board of the Student Bioethics Association (SBA), UNICEF, and American Society of Consultant Pharmacist (ASCP) at MCPHS Chapter. I am interested in the study of legal and ethic as well as regulatory affair.

  • Adele Flaherty

    Healthcare Ethics PhD student

    I am pursuing my doctorate in Healthcare Ethics. I have a sociology background, but am interested in public health ethics, care ethics, cultural competence with a focus on substance use disorder and underserved/stigmatized populations. I am also interested in ethics education for healthcare professionals.

  • Wamia Siddiqui

    Medical Student

    I am a first year medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, jointly pursing a Masters in Bioethics Policy at Clarkson University. After graduating with a public health degree from Rutgers University, I was a Post-baccalaureate Scholar at the Mayo Clinic's Bioethics Research Program, where I honed in on the intersection of health disparities, policy advocacy, and emerging scientific technologies, hoping to be a clinician who can approach the complex questions of the right thing to do, head on.

  • Alyssa Abbott


    I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham currently studying Public Health and Philosophy. I am incredibly fascinated by the field of bioethics and have spent much of my time as an undergraduate student capitalizing on the limited medical ethics educational and shadowing opportunities in Alabama. In the future, I would like to earn a graduate degree in bioethics or clinical ethics and work to further expand the field in Southeastern hospitals and universities.

  • Kaiulani (Kai) Shulman


    Kaiulani (Kai) Shulman is a rising senior at Yale College from New York City. She is majoring in Religious Studies with a concentration in bioethics, and is pursuing a certificate in Chinese. Kai’s research interests are in the history of bioethics and the intersection of religion and medicine; she is particularly passionate about mental health advocacy and disability rights.

  • Angelica Fernandez

    MS Candidate

    Currently working my MS in Social Research. My studies and interests are within the scope of global and population health science. I currently work full time at Weill Cornell Medicine in their Pediatric Hem/Onc division, and I soon plan on applying to medical school in hopes of pursuing an MD-PhD. Research is growing to be my passion and interests, and I am looking to bridge the gap between minority communities, and their accessibility to healthcare services.

  • Matthew Mindrup

    MS in Bioethics (2022 - Present) & DO from Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (beginning in July 2023)

    I attended Kansas State University where I received my undergraduate degree in biology with a minor in philosophy. I am currently attending the University of Mary, pursuing a Masters in Bioethics. In July 2023, I will begin Osteopathic Medical School at Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. I have done research in vaccine ethics as well as conscience and conscious protections in healthcare. I am primarily interested in vaccine ethics, conscience, medical triage procedures, philosophy of science, and PAS & euthanasia. Philosophical theories/areas of interest for me are personalism, humanism, and secular approaches to natural law theory.

  • Laila Murgo

    High School

    I'm a rising senior at Millennium High School with a deep interest in bioethics, inspired by my personal experiences and a fascination with human health. My research on anxiety is currently in progress, driven by my desire to understand how we can better ethically support young women struggling with mental health issues like anxiety. Beyond academics, I lead my school's diversity coalition and contribute to UNICEF club initiatives, always hoping to make a positive impact in my community.

  • Joella Linder

    High School

    I am currently a junior student at Manhasset High School. I became very interested in bioethics ever since I started taking my AP psychology class. Even though I am still fairly new to the field I am excited to learn more. My research experience includes conducting multiple surveys for the AP CAPSTONE program which I have been involved in since I was a freshman. I have written multiple literature reviews as well as educational essays analyzing my experiments for the AP CAPSTONE program.

  • Jessica Wang

    High School

    I am interested in how bioethics shapes the way scientists research different topics. I am also interested in how bioethics can improve healthcare disparities.

  • Diyora Sobirjonova


    Hello NSBA members! My passion for bioethics stems from a desire to explore the ethical dilemmas at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and society. As a pre-med student at Hunter College with a Biology & Neuroscience concentration, I am dedicated to advancing my understanding of bioethical principles and their practical application. I am eager to immerse myself in diverse perspectives and contribute meaningfully to the ethical discourse. I look forward to engaging in collaborating with like-minded individuals advocating for ethical healthcare practices and policies that prioritize patient autonomy, justice, beneficence, and most importantly contributing to the NSBA community.

  • Jonathan McCabe


    I am a senior at the Fredrick Meijer Honors College at Grand Valley State University getting my B.S in Biomedical Sciences and a B.A in Philosophy. My bioethics research interests are broad, but recently I have been working on transplant ethics and biobanking. I'm planning to attend medical school and have interests in health policy.

  • Alex Mathew

    Graduate Student

    Currently completing my Masters in Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine & completed my Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences & Business Administration at Drexel University. I have clinical research experience in Oncology, Neurology & Radiology. I am planning to attend medical school in the near future.

  • Marilyn Baffoe-Bonnie

    Graduate School

    I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers University. I also hold a dual appointment as a Predoctoral Fellow in the Health Disparities Unit of the Social and Behavioral Research Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute and the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health. My work focuses on the intersections of health and illness, science and technology, disability studies, and bioethics. My larger research agenda use qualitative, quantitative, and computational methods to understand the social development and social impact of emerging technologies with a focus on uncovering how they may reproduce health inequities.

  • Sarah Kothe

    Graduate Student

    Sarah Kothe’s research is centered in the field of theological bioethics. Sarah earned her master’s degree from Candler School of Theology where her research examined how Catholic theology informs healthcare decision-making, particularly at the end of life. Currently working on her PhD dissertation at Emory University, Sarah is incorporating ethnographic methods in her project which is aimed at uncovering and then addressing the challenges senior adults face as they transition to new forms of housing. She hopes that her research will encourage further theological reflection and ethical action on this issue so that every elder can have access to equitable and compassionate care.

  • Ahana Singh

    High School

    Hi, my name is Ahana Singh and I am a sophomore (high school) in San Diego, California. My interests are in biomedical engineering and bioethics as I really love hands-on activities as well as discussing and debating the use of science and medicine in an ethical and moral applications. Even though I am only a high school student, I have been part of many different summer programs that are involved with subjects around biotechnology. For example, I had a research opportunity about bioinformatics at UCSD which started my interest for bioethics, as many different conversations were brought up like gene therapy, etc.

  • Gift Nwaozor


    I am Gift, a philosophy undergraduate interested in bioethics research. I have worked closely under the supervision of the Head of my department in researching possible ethical means of reducing organ shortage globally. I look forward to having more bioethics research experience.

  • Blaine Milton

    M.A. Student

    My name is Blaine Sinclair Milton. I am a dual degree JD/MA in Bioethics student at Emory University. I enjoy learning about genetic engineering/enhancement and disability advocacy.

  • Hudson Allen

    Medical Student

    The first time I was introduced to the field of ethics was in high school when I took a Greek philosophy class. I was instantly fascinated by the way thinkers like Aristotle broke down morality into its component parts. Later, in college, I got the chance to take an actual bioethics class. This cemented my interest, as I knew I would be entering the medical field where such discussions had very practical implications for my life.

  • Valerie Chung

    3rd year medical student and also graduate bioethics student

    I'm a current 3rd year medical student at the University of Hong Kong and a student of the MS Bioethics programme at Columbia University. As an aspiring oncologist, I'm particularly interested in the ethics of clinical and community-level cancer care and love delving into topics particularly regarding how culture impacts decision-making in these scenarios. In the past, I've worked on research projects assessing a cancer survivorship intervention, as well as looking at graft-versus-host disease in blood cancer patients following bone marrow transplantations.

  • Mallika Ravi


    I'm currently an undergraduate at Rutgers University pursuing a major in Neuroscience and minoring in Spanish. My interest in bioethics began with a course I took during my junior year and the summer undergraduate seminar at the Hastings Center which I attended as a rising senior. I'm especially interested in end of life issues and reproductive ethics.

  • Emma Iwabuchi

    High School

    In everything I do, I bring my strong sense of justice and desire to comfort other people during difficult times. I enjoy working with children-- helping them with crafts, readings, and teaching them about composting and recycling-- as a leader of Sunrise Bergen, a youth environmental activism group. I am also researching Parkinson's disease, and more specifically in the middle of developing a plan to study heat shock proteins and alpha-synuclein protein aggregation. Through being the president of my local county chapter of World Vision, the international humanitarian organization, I help people overcome their circumstances and form one-on-one relationships with people whom I am able to help.

  • Helen Audrey Williams

    graduate student - Master's in Bioethics

    I received my BS in Biology and Public Policy with a minor in Global Health from Duke University. As an undergraduate, I served as the captain for the Women’s Cross-Country team, an ambassador for the Global Education Office, and helped develop a policy framework for the implementation of a cervical cancer medical device in Peru. My current research focuses on the effects of mechanical unloading on heart regeneration. I am specifically interested in the intersection of global health and clinical medicine within bioethics.

  • Marta Fadda

    MBE student

    I am a MBE student at HMS and postdoctoral fellow at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Switzerland, where I teach bioethics to medical students.

  • Lakshmi Bharadwaj

    Graduate school

    I am currently a masters of bioethics (MBE) student at Harvard Medical School's Center of Bioethics. My interests include global health ethics, specifically pandemic ethics. I am also interested in reproductive rights and health policy.

  • Grace Tietz

    PhD Student

    I am a PhD student working in the domain of human population genetics. In this context, I am very interested in ELSI issues that come with biobank-scale data and the rise in precision medicine research and technologies. More specifically, some topics of interest for me are equitable and open data sharing and ways to ensure that biomedical research benefits all populations (including those that have been historically excluded or understudied). In the past, I have conducted research on perspectives of gene editing in francophone countries and synthesized content from french to english.

  • Cindy Villatoro


    I am a senior undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, pursuing a degree in Public Health. My interest in Bioethics first developed after reading "Bad Blood," written about the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. I enjoy how bioethics offers a deep understanding of ethical issues in medicine and helps develop skills in analyzing new biotechnologies and doctor-patient relationships. My research interests center around the social determinants of health and health disparities.

  • Casey Mapanao

    High School

    I am a junior at Tesoro High School in Las Flores, California. I am very interested in research in Bioethics and Biological Sciences and aspire to pursue a degree in Biology and Education. Besides APHEL, I am a research assistant at UCLA Jonas NanoSystems Institute where we develop and apply new nanotechnologies and methods to support the childhood cancer and regenerative medicine research communities in accelerating the discovery and implementation of innovative gene therapy approaches and diagnostic strategies. In the past, I was a research assistant at Dr. Chrastil’s Spatial Neuroscience Lab where we looked to examine how active and passive navigation affected a new environment by applying these same techniques, how proprioceptive input, vestibular information, decision-making, and attention contribute to learning different types of spatial knowledge. I was a student teaching assistant at the California State Summer School of Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) at UCI for the Clinical Translation and Bioengineering Cluster where under the University Lab Partner’s wet lab I assisted students in the Mammalian Cell Tissue Culture where I teach them techniques using pipette work, cellular pathways, extracting DNA from a pellet, and how to use different biomedical equipment. I was also a Medical Intelligence Intern under a collaboration between UCI, Children’s Hospital of Orange County, and University Lab Partners where I applied the principles of design thinking to create a device to communicate and detect the truth of COVID-19 within my community and I shadowed physicians from a variety of different specialists such as oncology, pulmonology, endocrinology, etc. I was recognized at UCI’s Changemakers in STEM award for Outstanding STEM Organization as I along with 6 other high school students coordinated Community STEM Days at UCI to create STEM kits for the Boys and Girls Club around Southern California.

  • Vidya Visvabharathy

    Medical Student

    I am a 4th-year medical student at Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University in Chicago. With a strong background in research and advocacy, my long-term goals include being an advocate for women's health as an obstetrician-gynecologist.

  • Kara Miecznikowski

    Medical Student

    Kara Miecznikowski is an M2 at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and previously studied biological sciences and journalism at the University of Notre Dame. She has a varied research background (from psychology to orthopedic surgery) and currently works on research at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center investigating factors that influence outcomes of epilepsy surgery in pediatric tuberous sclerosis patients. Aside from medical ethics, she has a strong interest in teaching and medical education.

  • Emily Peugh


    Emily Peugh is a rising senior at California State University, Long Beach. She is pursuing her Bachelors of Science in Health Science with an option in Community Health Education and minoring in Health Humanities. Additionally, she is heavily involved in her school’s chapter of Kesem, a non-profit organization that provides support for children impacted by a parent’s cancer. Hoping to attend a bioethics graduate program and work as a clinical ethicist, she is currently a Clinical Ethics intern at Baylor College of Medicine's Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy. Emily is passionate about clinical ethics, reproductive ethics, and the patient-physician relationship.

  • Ariana Vitale

    Medical Student

    My background is in health disparities and cancer research. I have also completed courses in health communications and policy. I am currently working on bioethics research in relation to clinical trials.

  • Megan Bailey

    Master in Health Policy & Equity

    Megan is a Master’s (MA) in Health Policy & Equity graduate from York University in Toronto, Ontario. She is a goal-oriented individual passionate about health justice, policy, and ethics. Megan has experience in clinical ethics and ethics quality improvement in the Canadian healthcare setting, where she has focused on consent, capacity, and substitute decision-making. As a Canadian-trained policy analyst, Megan aspires to bring a unique perspective and skillset to the international field of bioethics and pandemic policy.

  • Sophia Zeng

    High School

    As a high school student maintaing a 4.0 GPA and a deep interest in bioethics, I'm interested to join the National Student Bioethics Association. While I haven't yet had the chance to conduct research, my passion for bioethics stems from a curiosity about the ethical dilemmas in healthcare. I'm particularly interested in the crossover of medical advancements and moral considerations. I'm eager to explore these topics further within the NSBA community. Joining this association represents an invaluable opportunity for me to learn from others, engage in thought-provoking conversations, and deepen my understanding of bioethical issues.

  • Jeremiah Stout

    Medical Student

    I graduated in 2018 with a degree in Philosophy and Spanish and am currently an MS2 at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Minnesota. I spent my gap years doing bioethics research on a variety of projects related to end of life care in oncology. I currently have very little idea what role bioethics may have in my future, but am always looking for new opportunities to engage with the field and meet peers with similar interests!

  • Akshay Sharma


    I am a neurosurgery resident interested in the intersection of medicine and public policy. I believe in the distribution of medical resources through increasing the accessibility of education.

  • Zoe Beckman

    High School

    My name is Zoe Beckman and I am a student at Riverdale Country School, class of 2026. I am passionate about ethical issues in general and merging my interest with science. This year I am taking a class on Bioethics at my school which touches on current world debates. Last year's biology class gave me a solid base, so that broadening my knowledge further will be easier.

  • Stafford Dolezel

    Bioethics Student (BSN, RN)

    Stafford Dolezel is a current student in the Masters of Bioethics program at Johns Hopkins. She has been a practicing nurse for over a decade, but is excited to move forward studying ethics affecting space travel, the astronauts who explore our universe, and the ethical implications of our contact with planetary environments we may one day visit. Stafford hopes to shape policy and procedures for companies/groups who seek life among the stars and perhaps assist in molding strategy for those who may one day discover earth. Otherwise, she enjoys teaching SPIN classes, camping, reading, and travel of any sort.

  • Bita Makarachi

    MA in Bioethics & Medical Humanities Graduate

    MA in Bioethics & Medical Humanities | Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine | Class of 2022; BA in Psychology | Cleveland State University | Class of 2021

  • Thomas Liang


    Hello! My name is Thomas and I'm currently a first-year Health Sciences student at Western University. As a student researcher at UHN, my primary interests include public health, social and behavioural health sciences, health equity, and bioethics. I also enjoy learning and writing about moral philosophy and metaethics. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano/guitar, basketball, teaching, and socializing with friends. Always open to new opportunities and connecting with others!

  • Amelia Christensen


    Amelia is a recent undergraduate philosophy student from the University of Portland and prospective law student with a strong interest in the intersection of bioethics and law. Her undergraduate research focused on medical epistemic paternalism in US palliative care systems, emphasizing the effects of prognostic uncertainty on doctors and patients alike.

  • Elizabeth Long


    Elizabeth is a first-year undergrad student at Franciscan University of Steubenville pursuing a BA in Philosophy. Her interests surround beginning-of-life issues, including the ethical implications of abortion, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, and artificial reproduction. After graduation, Elizabeth plans to obtain an MA in bioethics to pursue a career in medical ethics focused on the areas of reproductive healthcare and maternal-fetal medicine. She desires to contribute to the fields of healthcare and medicine and improve patients' lives by shaping policies, medical practices, and procedures through the lens of human dignity.

  • Edison Sun

    High School

    I’m Edison, an incoming undergraduate at Northwestern University. Though I’m primarily interested in the medical side of biology, a discussion with a surgeon brought me into the field of bioethics. I currently run a blog called Ethical Microscope ( that provides insights into current bioethical issues.

  • Taylor Mann

    High School

    I'm a rising junior at Scarsdale High School. I am interested in learning more about bioethics and what that involves. I recently participated in a Model UN conference discussing vaccine distribution ethics globally and would like to explore more on this subject as well as related bioethics questions.

  • William Choi

    Medical Student

    William Choi is a medical student at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. He received his BS with honors in Neuroscience and double majored in Philosophy at the Johns Hopkins University, and completed his Master of Bioethics degree at Harvard. William is passionate about studying diverse philosophical approaches to death and dying, and developing patient-centered decision-making models for individuals with neuropsychiatric conditions. William has published his work in journals such as Voices in Bioethics and the Journal of Medical Ethics, and he is the recipient of the 2022 Beecher Prize in Medical Ethics. In his spare time, William enjoys singing and watching sci-fi and horror films, and has recently developed a love for hiking as well.

  • Jessica Barth


    Recent graduate from the Schreyer Honors College at the Pennsylvania State University. My dual degrees in philosophy and biobehavioral health led me to passions in bioethics, which became the area in which I completed my honors thesis. Throughout my undergraduate experience I also picked up interests in global health, applied ethics, and research. I look forward to expanding my knowledge on the intersection of health, medicine, and ethics in future educational and professional experiences.

  • Naseel Gurpur

    Post Graduate

    I have a Master's Degree in Hospital Administration and a Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics and Medical Ethics, as well as did a short project on "Ethical Issues in Advance Directives - Indian Perspectives." After completing the PGDBEME, I am currently pursuing another Master's Degree as an MSc Research Ethics scholar.

  • Francesca Jereis


    My interests lie in federal prison healthcare. I am a senior at CUNY Hunter College, and I plan to attend medical school.

  • John Han

    Medical Student

    I am an M1 at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis interested in 1) specializing in emergency medicine and 2) academic research in bioethics/philosophy. My research interests include phenomenology and relational ethics, virtue ethics (and ethics more generally), sociological theory/philosophy of the social sciences, and epistemology. I graduated from the University of Virginia with an MA in philosophy and a BA in biology and political philosophy, policy, and law. I enjoy weightlifting, running, cooking, video games, watching anime, and visiting cafes and cocktail bars. I credit my best friends, philosophy/humanities professors, and other mentors in undergrad for encouraging me to continue reading and writing in this field :)

  • Valerie Brendel


    I am currently earning my associates in Philosophy and will transfer to earn my Bachelors in Philosophy with an Ethics minor. Then I will work towards my Masters in Bioethics/Epidemiology.

  • Catherine McInerney


    I am a rising senior at University of Pennsylvania (Class of 2022), majoring in biology and a minor in bioethics on a pre-med track. I was exposed to the field of bioethics in high school and became so fascinated in how and why certain decisions are made in micro-level physician-patient relationship. Penn has also allowed me to explore the more macro-level part of the field, how governmental policies have played a role in the medical and research field. A specific example I feel passionate about is the effect of deinstitutionalization of mental health services in how it correlates with incarceration rates; a mental health issue that bioethics has illuminated. Throughout my research experiences in a neurobiology wet-lab, clinical research in behavioral oncology, and in the pharmaceutical industry, I have been able to use my bioethics background to critically think and ask questions of potential implications for the patient, bringing a holistic and humanistic view to everything I do.

  • Amen Khan


    My name is Amen Khan and I am currently a rising sophomore at the University of Connecticut. I am a Psychological Sciences major pursuing a premedical track, and working to get into the medical field. I will be starting research in the Altmann Lab at UConn this fall, which tries to uncover how the mind "does" language. I currently volunteer at a hospital, enjoy working with kids, and recently became CITI certified in Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects. I am hoping to get involved in research, volunteering, shadowing, and internships that allow me to learn more about the healthcare field and related topics.

  • Liam Ryan

    Medical Student

    Liam Ryan is currently an osteopathic medical student at Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine and is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University's MA in Bioethics and Medical Humanities program. His bioethics interests include informed consent, the patient-doctor relationship, and pandemic ethics.

  • Katie Barfield


    As a student studying Genetics and Sociology, I have a wide array of interests that includes many bioethical issues. Bioethics is a critical area that the scientific community should be focusing on to properly apply our research to the world we live in. Simply put, without bioethics, our scientific findings are unusable.

  • Evelyn Tsisin

    Law Student and Masters in Bioethics dual degree student at Penn

    Currently pursuing a dual JD/Masters in Bioethics at Penn Law and Penn Medicine. Received an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Yale University. Worked in the FDA Medical Device and Technology Regulatory practice group at Hogan Lovells in Philadelphia and plan on continuing to practice FDA law in the life sciences and biotech space upon graduation. Interested in the intersection of law, health, technology and bioethics.

  • Lila Dorsett

    High School

    As a student interested pursuing a career in the biotech field, I am interested in learning about the morality of the field I am getting into. Science practices/research for a long time has been filled with a lot of ethical concerns, and moving forward I want to be intentional about how I approach research and new advancements. Overall, I am very intrigued about discussion around bioethics, and excited to meet new people in this community as well.

  • Heather Doyle

    Healthcare Ethics PhD Student

    My name is Heather, I grew up in central PA. My undergraduate degree is in Sociology with a minor in Women’s history from Texas Southern University. I recently finished my Master of Public Health from West Chester University and am currently attending Duquesne University in the Healthcare Ethics PhD program. My professional experience includes work in infectious disease, Epidemiology, and Health Equity. My research interests are health disparities, reproductive health & women’s health, and public health ethics.

  • Aarushi Deswal

    High School

    I'm interested in a variety of bioethical topics but especially in questions related to force-feeding patients with eating disorders. I've interned with SPICE program with Mount Sinai Hospital and plan on taking an Independent Research in Science course in the spring where I will research a bioethical consideration (the topic is yet to be determined). I'm a sophomore in high school and would love to learn more about bioethics.

  • Lexie Baughman


    I graduated from UCLA in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and a Minor in Society and Genetics. As of now, I’d say my bioethics interests are research ethics (particularly how that informs policy/regulation) and ethics in genomics. I’ve gotten some experience with empirical bioethics research (worked with a professor to gather opinions on a novel reproductive technology called in vitro gametogenesis) and am now working in non-cancer clinical research at Mayo Clinic Arizona.

  • Alaa Yehia


    I am currently interested in the connections between religious and cultural traditions to advance and deliver patient-centered care. Additionally, I seek to explore various bioethical issues surrounding mental illness such as topics related to personhood and autonomy to improve healthcare treatment.

  • David Zuckerman

    Medical Student

    David is a medical student at New York Medical College. Before medical school, he graduated with a B.S. in neuroscience from Yale College in 2020 and a Master's degree in bioethics from Harvard Medical School in 2021. His previous research experiences include studying the neural correlates of consciousness in the Blumenfeld Lab at Yale Medical School and various ethical aspects of traumatic brain injury at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital.

  • Lauren Dizon


    Hi! My name is Lauren Dizon, I am a rising senior at Cornell University studying Human Development with minors in law and health policy. My health policy classes were the initial catalyst that sparked my interest in bioethics and health equity, and inspired me to search for more opportunities within this field. I am currently interning at VNS Health, a non-profit health care agency that provides long term and home care to individuals across New York State. Here, my work includes research including, but not limited to, equitable care coverage, health disparities, HIPAA, as well as state and federal compliance regulations that directly impact quality of care. I see bioethics as the most integrative and effective way to combine my interests in medicine, law, public health, public policy, and research with my desire to perform work that makes a positive contribution to the world around me.

  • Kaitlin Cho

    High School

    I am part of Mountain View High School's class of 2026. After taking biology last year, I became very interested in it. Particularly, reading and researching about new advancements in genetic engineering made me want to learn more about different perspectives regarding ethics. I hope to gain more knowledge and opportunities through NSBA.

  • Tsholo Motswagole

    Graduate Student

    My current bioethics interests include: eugenics, respect for autonomy in Africa and the dichotomy of low-healthcare access and high health misinformation exposure.

  • Laura Cheshire

    Graduate Student

    I am currently working on my master’s degree in bioethics at Trinity International University. I recently graduated from Stetson University with a degree in art therapy. I am also a K-2nd grade art teacher! I’ve been interested in bioethics for as long as I can remember and am excited to be learning more.

  • Shruti Govindarajan

    High School

    I am a sophomore at Adlai E Stevenson High interested in a career in medicine. I am interested in learning more about bioethics.

  • Georgina Jorge Ramírez


    Interested in neuroethics and social justice.

  • Olivia Rome

    High School

    I am a high school sophomore, and I am taking a biology course this year. I am interested in learning more about bioethics in the future. I am curious to see how biology can be applied to real world issues, and to understand different perspectives on current issues.

  • Andira Haney

    High School

    For the longest time, I have always dreamed of running my own medical practice as an independent woman and coaching other women on how to fulfill their dreams. I grew up in a family of several doctors. My aunt and uncle currently own Legacy Dermatology in Frisco, Texas, and they are some of the most successful people I know. I have been interning under them for about 2 years, and I have obtained so much knowledge. I have also interned under an ENT from Austin, learning about the different types of surgeries. I have taken several science classes including health science, environmental science, biology, and chemistry.

  • Nicole Muravsky


    I am an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania with a passion for the intersection of medicine, law, and ethics. My long-term goal is to pursue an M.D./J.D. to explore how legal and policy frameworks can be used to advocate for patients in complex medical scenarios. Currently, I am independently researching the legal and ethical implications of using AI in diabetes care, focusing on how emerging technologies can impact patient outcomes and healthcare decision-making.

  • Jennifer Umezinwa

    Graduate Student

    Jennifer A. Umezinwa is a 4th year doctoral student at Morgan State University. She is studying for a Major in Language and Professional Writing and a Minor in Gender and Multicultural Studies. Her research interest focuses on Medical Humanities and Graphic Literature of the 21st century by American authors. Ms. Umezinwa is an Adjunct Faculty at Morgan State University. She enjoys teaching, researching, and writing. In 2022, she emerged runner up in the Morgan Global Footprints in Higher Education Essay Contest (2022). When she is not at school, Ms. Umezinwa enjoys cooking, hiking, and sitting by the lake. Ms. Umezinwa hopes to obtain a tenured track position at a university where she will continue teaching, doing research, writing, and inspiring young people to attain their highest goals through mentorship programs and community services. Ms. Umezinwa also hopes to serve on a clinical ethics board as a clinician ethicist. Ms. Umezinwa is a member of the following professional bodies, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) and The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH).

  • Neel Rangan

    High School

    I am a high school sophomore from the Bay Area, CA. I am interested in bioethics, ethics in healthcare, and learning about ethical issues related to the use of technology in healthcare systems. I recently attended the AI and Healthcare panel at the Anthropology, AI, and the Future of Human Society conference, I am doing a summer research project at UCSB and am interested in learning and contributing to the field of bioethics.

  • Tvisha Devireddy

    High School

    Tvisha Devireddy is a junior at the Brooks School. She plans to pursue biology and bioethics in at the collegiate level, and to work in the healthcare field as a medical professional. She is currently conducting research on molecules and pathways involved in neurodegenerative diseases. Tvisha believes that a thorough foundation in bioethics is essential for individuals, and ultimately institutions, to create a more accessible and equitable patient experience. She hopes to learn about the applications of bioethics from an interdisciplinary and multicultural standpoint through this internship. In her free time, Tvisha loves baking, photography, and playing squash and tennis.

  • Courtney Brenner

    Ph.D. in Bioethics

    Current Ph.D. candidate in Bioethics at Duquesne University. I have 7 years of experience working in the healthcare field in many different capacities including over 2.5 years of experience in project management, program coordination and evaluation within public health and public safety sectors. My degree has afforded me the extensive background in healthcare and research ethics. Specifically, the focus of my research is on reproductive health and disparities that exist across the spectrum and how individuals make decisions related to family planning, contraception, prenatal and postnatal care. My goal is to develop tools that inform decision and policy making to increase quality and access to needed reproductive healthcare services to decrease disparities and maternal mortality rates.

  • Ashley Wang

    High School

    My name is Ashley and I am a high school senior from Vancouver, Canada. I am interested in the various intersections of scientific research, technology, and healthcare, especially in the fields of neuroscience, bioethics, and public health. I hope to pursue a medical career in the future as a physician.

  • Christina Yen

    Bioethics masters program

    My interests in bioethics are microethics, public health ethics, and the intersection between bioethics and antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. I did my undergraduate, medical school, and internal medicine training at University of Southern California and did my fellowship in clinical infectious diseases, infection prevention, and antimicrobial stewardship at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. I am currently an infectious diseases physician and antimicrobial steward at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. When I am not seeing patients and teaching medical trainees, I do research in antimicrobial utilization, quality improvement, and hope to develop pedagogy that allows for the application of bioethics in antimicrobial stewardship

  • Alyssa Tang

    High School

    Alyssa Tang is a high school student (class of 2023) from University High School in Southern California. Her interest in biomedical ethics spans from ethical clinical trials to preventing bias when deploying AI in healthcare. Being a Director of Education of Fair Bytes, she has created curriculum and taught middle school students the importance of responsible AI. She also founded Eunoia Global Health, a platform to connect youth to advocate for public health issues and bridge health disparities. Alyssa is excited to be part of this network of bioethicists and hopes to bring about policy reforms with biomedical ethics research.

  • Amy Liu


    I am currently a junior at Barnard College studying Psychology on the pre-med track. I've found myself more interested in discussing topics in bioethics once I began my involvement in research with mice. I would like to obtain a masters in bioethics in the near future, and I am excited to meet new people through this association!

  • Anna Pham

    High School

    I'm a high school student interested in neuroscience, biotech, ethics, and policy. I have a passion for learning about the world around me and how I can help make it better.

  • Ashley Williams

    PhD in Healthcare Ethics

    I have been a healthcare provider since the age of 15 years old starting as a CNA, working my way to EMT, then to a paramedic working as a medic for 13 years. I currently work for start-up companies to help bring their medical devices to market and change the way care is provided. I have an associates in applied science- paramedicine, I have a BS in Biology and a BS in Political Science from ASU and I am in school obtaining my PhD in healthcare ethics at Duquesne University and intend to go to medical school after obtaining my PhD.

  • Jessie Van Leeve

    Master's Degree

    Jessie Van Leeve is a graduate from Harvard Medical School's Center for Bioethics, where she was most interested in using justice perspectives to promote diversity and inclusion for ethically sound and socially responsible storytelling in film and television. As a writer and ethicist, Jessie is interested in using narrative as a tool to inspire cultural and attitudinal changes in society. Her graduate research specifically explored the impact of media on issues at the intersection of health and human rights, using qualitative methods to identify barriers and potential sites for intervention through entertainment education.

  • Kaitlin Andersen

    High School

    Kaitlin is a rising high school junior who is a member of the Bioethics Project through the Kent Place Ethics Institute that partners with the Georgetown Kennedy Institute of Ethics. She is the leader of a club called Current Talks where she hold spaces for her school's student body community to learn and discuss about current events. She is on the Model UN team and has been to multiple conventions where she developed her passion for international relations. She wants to use her passion for bioethics in the field of public health and policy.

  • Reina Hayashi

    Master's Student

    I am a Japanese physician and currently master student at the center for bioethics, Harvard Medical School. My research interest is end of life issue, especially for decision making process and relationships between patients, patients' family and medical providers.

  • Constantine Psimopoulos

    Masters Student

    Constantine Psimopoulos is a kinesiologist by training and a faculty coordinator at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He received his BSc in Health and Physical Education from Aristotle University, his MEd from Springfield College, and his MA in Kinesiology and Education Policy from The Ohio State University. Constantine has authored two book chapters on Olympism in the USA. His interest in bioethics focuses on the intersection between anti-doping and sport medicine. Constantine is the recipient of the National Speak Out Award by SHAPE America for advancing health education policy in Congress. He enjoys mountain biking and exploring the outdoors with his wife and two kids.

  • Christopher Procaccino

    High School

    I am the Secretary of the Bioethics club at Bronx Science, with a particular interest in the degree of patient choice in medicine, specifically relating to issues of abortion, drug abuse, and vaccination. Our Bioethics club has invited several guest speakers to speak on issues ranging from gene editing to anesthesia. I am currently a junior and am also a part of my school's congressional debate team, where I have incorporated much of my knowledge from Bioethics to widen my understanding of current events. I am a part of my school's biology research program, volunteered at the Au Lab at Columbia University this past summer, and am planning to pursue medicine and research in my future education.

  • Cinnya Chen

    High School

    I'm a current Junior in high school that's interested in the overlaps between bioethics and other fields like neuroscience, psychology, and architecture. I'm interested in research opportunities exploring those fields and engaging in a deeper understanding of the topics.

  • Emerson Dusic

    PhD Student

    I am a third year PhD Student in Public Health Genetics at the University of Washington. I have worked in the Bioethics department for the last three years on a study related to implementing genetic testing for hereditary cancer in the primary care setting. I also work with a professor in the department of Epidemiology on projects related to access to healthcare for transgender and nonbinary individuals. For my dissertation work, I will you mixed, qualitative methodology to investigate how eugenics and genetic determinism have limited access to reproductive health services for trans people in the United States.

  • Jordan Liebman

    Medical Student

    Hi! My name is Jordan. I graduated from Yale with a BA in history in May 2017, focusing on the relationship between war and historical memory. After graduating, I taught math at a public middle school in New York City, and I am currently a medical student at NYU applying to Internal Medicine residency programs. I am most interested in clinical ethics (especially at the beginning and end of life), physician decision-making and bias, healthcare rationing, and novel medical technologies.

  • Matthew Vo


    Matthew Vo is a fourth year undergraduate student at the University of Washington. He is completing a B.S. in Public Health-Global Health along with honors designation. His interests are in health equity especially as it relates to rural or underserved communities. He is also an intern with NYU in the Pediatric Gene Therapy and Medical Ethics Working Group.

  • Christa Wilk

    Medical Student

    Christa is a first year medical student (Class of 2026) at Penn State University College of Medicine and student in the University Park Program with undergraduate degrees in molecular neuroscience (clinical psychology minor) and biology (minors in public health and healthcare ethics). Current research interests include medical education, care delivery for transgender and gender diverse adolescents, and ethical considerations in the medical care of people with disabilities including intellectual and developmental disabilities. Outside of academics, Christa enjoys writing her own dairy-free recipes, foraging wild foods, and being outside.

  • Gina Canavan


    I am a senior at Loyola University Chicago pursuing a B.S. in biochemistry and a minor in bioethics. On campus, I serve a general biology course as a supplemental instructor and hold leadership positions as Director of Academic Affairs for Alpha Delta Pi Sorority and Vice President of Habitat for Humanity. My interests in bioethics have culminated my STEM education and widened my perspective of healthcare as an interdisciplinary field. After graduation, I will be attending medical school and pursuing continued education in bioethics.

  • Julie Allouche

    Law School

    I recently graduated from Boston College Law School with an LL.M. (master of law) with concentration in bioethics law. This year, I am working at the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics. I would like to work on the legal, ethics and policy issues related to health and technology.

  • Gianna Calimano

    High School

    Hello! I am currently a high school sophomore. Last year, I became interested in bioethics after my class did the genetic engineering unit. It really made me wonder about the ethics of gene manipulation and cloning.

  • Sarosh Saleem

    Graduate Student

    I am a pediatrician and a doctoral candidate in Health Care Ethics. Interests: Clinical Ethics, mainly end of life decision-making in pediatrics and influences of society and culture on clinical decision-making.

  • Vatsal Patel

    High School

    I am highly interested in delving deeper in the realm of bioethics. I am currently a rising junior in high school. I also am currently part of a research program called Gifted Gabber in which I am researching the use of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and risk prediction of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Claire O'Connor

    Graduate student in bioethics at HMS

    Claire O’Connor, BA, is an education program manager for the Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation program at Harvard Medical School (HMS) as well as a master’s student in English at the Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English. She received her BA in History from Providence College. After her undergraduate studies, Claire worked in the healthcare and education sectors prior to working at HMS. Her interest in bioethics developed in her internships her continuing education classes in ethics and statistics. She hopes to improve the messaging of the biotech industry through a greater emphasis on literacy and educational tools. In her free time, Claire enjoys exercising, golfing, and reading the latest New Yorker magazine.

  • Vishruth Nagam


    Vishruth is an undergraduate student interested in the brain sciences, medical humanities, and music as interdisciplinary subjects. He has a background in reproductive ethics, genomic editing, neuroethics, medical artificial intelligence, and disability studies. Vishruth is a student author and researcher, musician, and entrepreneur.

  • Lorenah Vasquez

    Graduate Student

    My name is Lorenah Vasquez and I hold a MSHS in Healthcare Informatics. I am currently a first-year MA student at the University of Texas Medical Branch's Institute of Bioethics and Health Humanities, and my research interests include LGBTQI+ bioethics and medical ethics within marginalized communities. I am also interested in disability justice as well as intersectional perspectives in the realm of health care.

  • Jaleh Jaffari

    Graduate School

    Bioethics graduate student integrating 8 years of nursing experience with desire to impact policy and care delivery using a social justice lens.

  • Sarah Royka


    I am a rising senior at Duke University studying Neuroethics and looking for post-bac opportunities in the field prior to attending law school. I aspire to work in the intersection of science ethics and policy making.

  • Carter Considine

    High School

    I am a high school student interested in the intersection of ethics and technology. I run a non-profit tutoring organization called Meaningful Teens. I am excited to explore and learn more in bioethics.

  • Georgiana DePugh

    Graduate student

    I am a Graduate Student of Theology at Ave Maria University. Hailing from the University of Dallas with a BA in Theology, I will receive an MA in the coming Spring. I spent the four years of my undergraduate studies volunteering in hospice care. Alongside my graduate studies, I volunteer in sexual addiction ministry accompanying women in the journey towards healing from addiction, and Intern as a Personal Consultations Intern for the NCBC. I intend to pursue a Ph.D. in Health Care Ethics. I am passionate about all things Bioethics, Lewis Carroll, and the liberal arts.

  • Abe Janani

    High School

    I am a hardworking student 4.0 GPA 90+ on all NY regents always trying to do new things and gain more experience

  • Ka Yu Vanessa Cheung

    Medical Student

    I am a second-year medical student with a deep interest in the intricate field of bioethics, with a specific focus on reproductive medicine, women's health, and pediatric bioethics. The ethical challenges surrounding these areas have captivated my attention and sparked a desire to further explore and contribute to this field. Considering my passion for bioethics, I am contemplating pursuing a master's degree in bioethics next year to enhance my knowledge and research skills in this domain.

  • Pearl Daugaard


    Pearl Daugaard is an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in neuroscience with a minor in philosophy at the University of Oklahoma. She is passionate about life sciences education, and loves her position as a teaching assistant and private tutor for genetics at her institution. Her bioethics topics of interest include the ethical use of genetic technologies (such as CRISPR-Cas9), public policy for emerging biotechnology, and the application of virtue ethics in bioethics.

  • Madelyn E.

    High School

    Madelyn is a high school student in New York. She is president of her school’s mock trail club, volunteers at her community youth court for restorative justice, and is an intern for an international bioethics organization. She is interested in policy, law, and bioethics, and how they interface with each other and new emerging developments in science.

  • Gabrielle Hunter

    Graduate Student

    I am interested in access to care and ways identity limits access to care. I also am passionate about children with and without disabilities and their rights within healthcare. My passions are driven by my work experience as an educator and education background as a sociology and psychology undergraduate. I am now pursuing a Master of Science in Bioethics to explore these passions.

  • Advaita Krishnan


    I am a sophomore at Emory, majoring in Human Health and Philosophy on the Premed track. I have a strong interest in bioethics, in terms of equity and implementing policy. I am currently working on a few research projects in the sphere of bioethics and cardiac care, and bioethics and compassionate treatment

  • Tyra Gravesande


    Tyra Gravesande is a recent graduate of Spelman College who majored in Comparative Women’s Studies with a concentration in Women’s Health & Bioethics. Her vivacious yet enterprising attitude has opened many doors for her as she will continue to push her limits to the highest extent. From organizing weekly meetings and events, to having served as both the Chief of Staff and Social Media Strategist for the National Black Action Committee. Tyra also serves as the President of the Transfer Student Association on Spelman’s campus, a current Next Generation Leadership Institute Fellow, the previous Education Director of “For the Menstruator” and an executive board member of the Ethel Waddell Githii Honors Program. Tyra has the pleasure of being fairly involved and immersing herself in many disciplines. She’s passionately involved in NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, GirlPwr and Gifted Girls of Grace Mentor, VS Pink Campus Rep, Student Government and many more. With these in mind, Miss Gravesande will continue to help assist her community and make it a more dynamic place of comfort. After graduating, Tyra plans to enroll into graduate to earn her Master’s of Bioethics, preparing for her professional goals to attend and graduate from Medical School to not only become a Cardiologist, but to become the first physician in her family- she is passionate and will work to eliminate the health disparities within marginalized communities.

  • Karis Weisgerber


    I am a senior Biological Sciences undergraduate student at University of Maryland Baltimore County. I am pursuing a career in biomedical research, and I am also a Christian and I try to be very conscious of ethical dilemmas within biology. I performed a Capstone research project on the ethical implications behind germline genome editing which opened my eyes to the field of bioethics, and I have been excited to learn more about it ever since.

  • Samantha Costello


    I am an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania. My primary interests are in neuroplasticity and novel treatments. As far as ethical issues, I am primarily interested in patient autonomy and genetics.

  • Sarah Becker

    Medical Student

    After graduating from Hillsdale College with degrees in biochemistry and philosophy, I am currently attending the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Rochester, Michigan. I am passionate about healthcare that meets the holistic needs of families and communities, and maintain special interests in women's health, hospice & palliative care, and clinical ethics.

  • Grace Gallagher

    High School

    Grace Gallagher is a high student at Dominican Academy in New York City. She is interested in neuroscience, global health, computational medicine, and how bioethics plays into the study of these disciplines. Grace is currently conducting bioinformatic research in the fields of neuroscience and public health. Through interning with the Global Bioethics Initiative, Grace has fostered a love for bioethics and she cannot wait to learn more about the topic.

  • Sana Baban

    MSc in Bioethics

    Sana Baban, BA, received a BA in communication sciences and disorders from the Judy Genshaft Honors College at the University of South Florida. As an undergraduate, she worked as a research coordinator at Houston Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute with a focus on smoking cessation in cancer populations and mindfulness-based interventions for caregivers of hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Her most recent publication focuses on the challenges and benefits of virtual, group-based smoking and alcohol treatment. Sana is interested in clinical ethics, particularly decision making in end-of-life care. Her hobbies include photography, scuba diving, and skiing

  • Tyler Martinez


    I am a current pre-med student at the University of Texas at Austin. I have always been into the ethics including certain topics covered in bioethics such as abortion, euthanasia, etc.

  • Julie Hines

    Graduate Student

    I graduated in 2021 with my BSN from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. Initially I was working as an RN on a pediatric hematology-oncology unit which sparked my interest in bioethics and in the Fall 2023 semester I returned to CWRU to obtain a MA in Bioethics and Medical Humanities. My bioethical interests mainly lie in pediatric and reproductive ethics from my experiences as a nurse.

  • Fahim Jahingir

    High School

    Hi! My interest in bioethics stemmed from my dual interests in Speech & Debate, where I honed my critical thinking skills and legal understandings, paired with my research experience at the USDA-ARS Children's Nutrition Research Center in the Nakata Lab in medicine and disease.

  • Riya Mohan


    Riya Mohan is a rising senior at Duke University and is pursuing a self-designed major in the Department of Program II Studies titled “The Ethical and Regulatory Issues of Human Genome Editing”. Her research interests lie in the intersection of science development and health policy/ethics research particularly in the realm of genomics, gene editing, germline editing, and genetic data privacy. She is currently named as a Margolis Health Policy Scholar and is an undergraduate researcher at the Heitman Lab in the Duke School of Medicine. In addition, she pursues independent research with the Marcus Center for Cellular Cures, Duke Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine, and Mayo Clinic Biomedical Ethics. At the University, she is also the president of Duke Ethical Tech, a university-based tech think tank, and leads Duke Swords, a student-led sword fighting group. Previously, she has been an Undergraduate Fellow in the Visualizing Cities Lab and was the President of Duke Cyber, the university’s premier tech policy organization. After graduation, she hopes to attend medical school to continue working in the intersection of genomics, patient care, and policy development.

  • Akshaya Ganji

    High School

    I’m Akshaya, a rising senior from Illinois with a keen interest in bioethics, particularly as it intersects with neuroscience and public health. Though my involvement as an inclusion companion for children with neurodegenerative disabilities, it ignited my passion for research in these fields in hopes of providing treatment plans at an early age. I am actively involved in research at local universities and have published 3 papers. I aim to promoting preventive care rather than preventive, and my extracurriculars reflect a commitment to integrating ethical considerations into effective public health strategies. Wether it’s through my medical organization, or through my 3 public health interventions, I strive to continually drive my dedication to advancing both the science and ethics of healthcare.

  • Jonah Miller

    High School

    I am in 10th grade and so I don’t have a lot of bioethics experience at this point. That said, I am taking Bioethics next semester and took a social psychology class at Columbia University this summer. While I am interested in the practical application of bio-ethics, I am even more intrigued by the underlying philosophical questions that the field raises and tries to answer.

  • Alexa Guarente


    I am an undergraduate student a Brown University studying philosophy and public health. Currently, I hold the position of founder and president of Brown's Society of Bioethics and Health Humanities. Some of my interests include care for minors, health inequity, reproductive justice, and end of life care.

  • Kendra Gordillo

    Incoming Master’s student

    In Fall 2023 I will start my Master’s in Philosophy, Bioethics & Health at VU Amsterdam as a Fulbright scholarship recipient. Previously, I graduated with my BSc in Genetics from Clemson University, with a minor in philosophy. I was awarded Clemson’s first ever Distinguished Ethics Scholar from the Rutland Institute for Ethics, and completed Departmental Honors in Philosophy for my thesis titled “Nature and Nurture: Epigenetics and a Framework for Behavioral Restrictions.” My bioethics interests lie in human genetics, social epigenetics, scientific communication and public health. I’ve also worked in healthcare consulting, working on topics including Medicaid, health equity, telemedicine, and, healthy aging and AMR.

  • Rohit Kancharla

    High School

    As an academically motivated individual, I am a rising junior at Mountain House High School with a keen interest in the intersection of healthcare and bioethics. My scholarly curiosity drives me to explore the ethical implications of genetic engineering and biotechnology, as well as the increasing use of AI in healthcare. In pursuit of my academic goals, I have completed multiple science affiliated courses, including life science and healthcare policy, which have reinforced my passion for bioethics. Looking towards the future, I aspire to pursue a college education in a related field to further expand my understanding of bioethical concerns and take informed decisions when conducting research or operating in a clinical setting. Though I do not have any formal research experience, I have independently explored bioethics through online courses and self-directed reading.

  • Katherine Tinco


    I have taken an introductory bioethics course at Hunter.

  • Victoria Krechting


    I am a senior at Fordham University graduating in May 2023, with plans to obtain my M.A. in Bioethics over the next year. I spent a summer working in the Montefiore Health System as a clinical ethics consulting intern. I am particularly interested in emergency medical ethics and pediatric ethics.

  • Aarushi Parikh


    Hi! I'm a junior at the University of Pennsylvania double-majoring in Philosophy and Biology. I am currently researching the role of consent in clinical trials, and also serve as the President of the Penn Bioethics Society. In my free time, you can find me drinking bubble tea, binging Grey's Anatomy, and tagging my friends in Facebook memes.

  • Olivia Beyer

    High School

    My name is Olivia Beyerer and I am a student at Riverdale Country School passionate about environmental sustainable finance and business. I have participated in SDG summits and have completed a course, connected with Duke University, on impact measurement and management for the SGDs. This past year, I kick-started a website called Sustainable Development News and Opportunity to provide a space for teenagers to access news and opportunities solely surrounding environmental sustainability. I have recently began my journey to certify my school as Fair Trade and I will be taking a class on Bioethics this school year. I am eager to connect with others to discuss issues we are passionate about, and find ways to make a larger impact on our world.

  • Adrianna Walker

    High School

    I take pride in being at the best of my abilities in any way that can help people. I might not be a healthcare worker, doctor, or nurse yet, but I know I have my own way of helping others because I am determined. In every room I am in, I strive to improve and be of help to others to the best of my ability. That's why I want to help people on a greater level.

  • Wika Hartanti

    Graduate Student

    I'm an academic faculty at Medical School UGM, Indonesia, particulary active as researcher at Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities. I'm a medical doctor, with master degree in international health, and currently pursuing doctorate degree on the subject mapping bioethics competency for physician practicing in primary care. My interest and focus of work are mainly bioethics and humanities education, clinical ethics support, ELSI (ethics-legal-social implication) of biotechnology advancement, global health ethics, and empowering patient and community through bioethics.

  • Jazzlyn Haque


    I am current biology/philosophy double major at Santa Clara University. I was inspired to do this pathway as a pre-med student because of my interest in producing ethical research, as I am currently doing cell biology research and have done stem research. I hope to expand my knowledge of bioethics to become a better philosopher and scientist.

  • Tiffany Bystra

    Graduate Student

    Tiffany Bystra is a PhD student in bioethics and health humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch. Tiffany holds an MS in occupational therapy and a BS in interdisciplinary health services from Western Michigan University, as well as a Certificate of Professional Achievement in Narrative Medicine from Columbia University. Tiffany has clinical experience in the acute care setting and holds a primary interest in optimizing care delivery for the oncology population. In addition to her work as a practitioner, Tiffany has experience in academia in both classroom and fieldwork instruction in rehabilitation sciences. Research interests include: psychosocial oncology, decision making with serious illness, health humanities, compassionate use, telos of healthcare, liminality and phenomenology, end of life, and research on the recently deceased.

  • Trevor Ma

    Master Bioethics student

    Trevor Ma, MBBS BBus MPhil MPsych Cert Forensic Psych FRANZCP, is a forensic psychiatrist at the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network in Sydney, Australia. He received his MBBS from the University of Sydney, MPhil in Forensic Mental Health from the University of New South Wales and Fellowship in forensic psychiatry from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. He works as the Clinical Director of Custodial Mental Health services and has published research on the physical health of people with severe mental illness in secure settings. He is interested in improving the standards of mental health care in prisons.

  • Nadia Cowan


    Hi! My name is Nadia and I am a Senior studying biology at NYU. I have always had a passion for human rights and advocacy. I hope to enter the life sciences field upon graduation and look forward to meeting everyone and learning more about bioethics.

  • Mayesha Ahmed


    Mayesha Ahmed is an undergraduate at Stony Brook University majoring in Biology. Her passions lie in neuroscience, but has gained interests in bioethics and the complexities in ethical decisions. She hopes to use knowledge from bioethics to help patients with neurodegenerative disorders who may or may not qualify for treatments in the future.

  • Unini Odama

    Masters of Bioethics, HMS

    I am a Physician with great interest in ethics and public health. My focus on chronic diseases particularly kidney diseases allows me to have ample opportunity to learn about the intersection of health care, ethics, and public health issues. My other interests include ethics advocacy, equitable population health, and organizational ethics.

  • Abigail Hirshberg


    I received my B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Florida in May of 2022. Since then, I have gone from performing large-scale cell culturing in a GMP pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Alachua, FL to trying my hand at elementary education in Brooklyn. Ultimately, I would love to return to the sphere of research and laboratory work with a focus on genetics and genomics, but prior to this, I want to continue my education. While my undergraduate degree was robust in content, it severely lacked in terms of ethical discussions. I want to channel my own personal interest in ethics and morality into my work, and I know obtaining a graduate degree in Bioethics would help me achieve my goal of becoming a well-rounded and thoughtful research scientist.

  • Astrid Salazar

    High School

    I am a rising senior at McNair Academic High School. A recent internship at NYU sparked my interest in the field of bioethics. My hope is to implement ethical foundations into my work in the future as an aspiring biomedical engineer.

  • Bryant Alexandre


    I am an undergraduate at Stanford University majoring in Human Biology. I am interested in how ethics and economics drive decisions made in the U.S. medical field, specifically surrounding patient access to necessary therapeutics. I hope to become more knowledgeable of the effects of changes in the healthcare system on micro and macro levels.

  • Alexis Wall

    High School

    Alexis is a current sophomore in high school. Her interest in bioethics stemmed from taking a summer class centered around the topic at Brown University. She has plans to start a nonprofit at her high school, educating her peers about bioethics and is looking for other bioethics societies or clubs to collaborate with. Feel free to email her at!

  • Stanley Tsou


    Stanley Tsou is an undergraduate student at Rice University majoring in Biosciences and minoring in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities. He has diverse experiences in basic science research, health policy writing, and community development initiatives. Previously, he has served as the Teaching Assistant for Science Policy and Ethics, a graduate-level course at Rice that introduces students to policy, ethics, and legal issues related to science and technology. He was one of the first cohort of students to be awarded the ASBH Student Sponsorship Award by the Emory Center for Ethics to attend the 2021 ASBH Annual Conference.

  • Joyee Mandal

    High School

    Hello everyone! I am currently a high school senior. The topics in Bioethics I am interested in are organ donations, genetic cloning, and animal experimentation. I worked as a Research Intern at the Morphogenesis and Developmental Biomechanics Lab at Columbia University. I am interested in Developmental Neuroscience. I hope to have a deeper understanding of Bioethics from the National Student Bioethics Association!

  • Shyla Adhikari

    High School

    A first-year fully dual enrolled highschool student at Florida Atlantic Univeristy, seeking to explore the intertwined fields of philosophy and medicine (empahsis on medical ethics). Currently in the midst of finding a research project.

  • Erin Hedglen

    Medical Student

    Erin Hedglen is a Pittsburgh native who received her M.A. in Healthcare Ethics from Duquesne University. She is currently dual enrolled as a PhD student at Duquesne in the Center for Global Health Ethics as well as a medical student at the Uniformed Services University. Some of her bioethics interests are as follows: decision-making for minors, end of life care, and military ethics.

  • Lourena De Abreu


    Lourena De Abreu is an undergraduate student of Bioethics and Philosophy at Howard University. Through her thesis, she is currently exploring the relationship between ethics and medicalizing psychedelics for clinical research and therapeutic treatment. Through her passion of philosophical world view, relationship to the natural world, and implementing ethical guidelines for sufficient medical practice, she hopes to cultivate a more holistic approach to medicine and healing. Her clinical experience was conducted at the University of Michigan Psychiatric Research Complex where she aided principal investigator in gathering materials for ongoing research projects.

  • Eva Bodin

    Master of Bioethics Student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

    Eva Bodin is a 2020 graduate of the University of Toronto, where she earned an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Bioethics and Ethics, Society, and Law and a minor in Philosophy. Eva will be continuing her bioethics education this Fall in the Master of Bioethics program at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, where she has received a scholarship provided by the Ruth R. Faden Endowment for Education in Bioethics. Eva is interested in the ethical factors at play in the treatment of marginalized and stigmatized populations. She is particularly interested in HIV care ethics and racial discrepancies in maternal morbidity and mortality.

  • Mike Howe

    Graduate Student

    Mike Howe, MBA, MPH, MBE, is dedicated to examining the intersection of bioethics and areas such as the right to healthcare access, and public policy. He received his MBE from Harvard Medical School, his MBA in health sector management and MPH in human rights and social justice from Boston University, and a dual BA in philosophy and government from Suffolk University. His work and research focus on health equity strategy, consulting on crisis-management, hostile negotiations, and operational efficiency and using community outreach and advocacy to reduce access barriers-to-care for underserved and marginalized populations.

  • Nicole St. Jacques


    I'm interested in bioethical issues in psychological research relating to participant/patient rights, animal usage in research, and restraints for those at risk. I'm a junior at Fordham University studying psych, biology, and bioethics. In the past, I have served as a research assistant and and EMT as well.

  • Joyce Li


    I am a 4th year student at UCLA majoring in Psychology with a minor in Society and Genetics. I currently work in the Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab where I explore how human connectedness impacts brain activity. In the future, I hope to combine my interests in justice, policymaking, and bioethics to pursue a career in the legal field.

  • Kimberly Ortiz


    I am a sophomore attending Hunter College, aiming to major in Biology. My goal for the future is to work in the medical field. In such an ever-changing and unpredictable job field, I want to be a part of new experiences in the hopes of gaining more knowledge and confidence. I want to experience working in a hospital setting and provide patient support.

  • Nell Mermin-Bunnell

    Medical Student

    Nell Mermin-Bunnell completed her BS in Psychology at Yale University in May 2021. At Yale, she conducted research in moral psychology with Dr. Paul Bloom and in applications of behavioral economics in public health with Dr. Woo-Kyoung Ahn. She also spent a year studying the ethics of digital mental health care with Dr. Nicole Martinez at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. She hopes to eventually pursue research at the intersection of behavioral ethics and bioethics. For fun, Nell enjoys singing and playing the guitar, running, reading, and pondering puzzling philosophical quandaries. Nell is currently a first year medical student at Emory University School of Medicine.

  • Taposh Dutta Roy

    Graduate Student

    Taposh Roy is the director of the innovation team at Kaiser Permanente. His current work focuses on Responsible AI, Digital Twin, machine learning, long-term modeling for COVID (2-year scenarios), image processing, data science architecture, and strategy. Before KP, Taposh was Head of AD products at a couple of start-ups Inpowered and Netshelter(Sold to Ziff Davis). Before start-ups, he worked as a Sr. Associate Consultant in an MIT-based consulting company Sapient. He was also the co-founder of a biotech company Bio-Integrated Solutions developing DNA sequencers and liquid-handling devices for proteomics. He is the author of the books "Intelligent Governance" and "Medical Image Processing: with Deep Learning". He has a graduate and post-graduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology and an MBA from the University of California, Davis. While in the post-graduate program, his research was focused on the simulation and modeling of device physics. He is currently enrolled in Harvard Medical School's BioEthics Masters.

  • Malinda Shultice

    Doctorate Health Sciences

    My educational background is from MCPHS University where I obtained my DHSc degree. The majority of my career has been spent in long-term care, which is where my bioethical interest was piqued. Providing quality care to the elderly, in an ethical manner is my primary focus. In addition, I work as an adjunct professor at a local college in Des Moines, Iowa. The classes I teach revolve around bioethical practice in the aging services management program.

  • Kryster Carmela Labarda

    High School

    As a Filipina-American that has been raised in a household exemplifying the importance of healthcare (with my family members being obliged to serve the ill as medical professionals) I had always valued the ideals of inclusivity in regard to saving lives. I had been exposed from a young age to the many social and health issues that challenged individuals in my surrounding area, however, I found that it impacted immigrants particularly hard. I currently am an active member of the FBLA Lead4Change committee in which I work in partnership with a local non-profit that primarily focuses on impoverished families that seek welfare support.

  • Allison Newsome

    Graduate Student

    I am a health and life sciences attorney and current bioethics masters student. I have an interest in health policy governing the use of AI and technology in healthcare, specifically in the reproductive health space. In my legal work, I counsel providers and health institutions on regulatory compliance and corporate governance.

  • Sanjana Koutharapu

    High School

    Hi! I'm Sanjana Koutharapu, a High School Freshman from Bangalore, India, and I’m always looking for new opportunities to help broaden my view, and help me become a better individual! I’m interested in the diverse aspects of business and social working, specifically in entrepreneurship, marketing, and working with NGO’s! Adding on, as an avid Biology learner, the concept of Bioethics is bewildering and enigmatic, even, and I would love to take up this opportunity to explore more about this field of study.

  • Riya Bajpai

    High School

    I am a high school student in Virginia who gained in interest in bioethics through the co-curricular HOSA, when I competed in the Biomedical Debate event. Currently, I am in my school's biotechnology class, where I enjoy partaking in our ethical debates. I have a particular interest in clinical ethics and health policy and hope to pursue further education in public health and psychology!

  • Jaylin Burston

    High School

    My interest involve medicine, science, research and patient care. I have done research projects for cancer and surveys on how certain situations affect people. My bioethics interest started when I discovered about what bioethics was for the first time through a panel presentation. I want to spread awareness about bioethics because I believe that if everybody knew what bioethics was more people would advocate for it.

  • Kyle Manzella


    I am senior at Michigan State with a major in Physiology and a minor in Bioethics. I have aspirations to become an osteopathic physician and plan to incorporate bioethics principles within my field of practice. Currently I am a Research Assistant at MSU's sleep and learning lab and a Patient Care Technician at Sparrow Hospital.

  • Amir Davoodi

    Medical Student

    As the former Debate Chair of the Ethics Society during my undergraduate years at the University of Miami, I spearheaded initiatives such as bioethics and business ethics competitions, alongside facilitating weekly discussions on a range of ethical cases, fostering a vibrant ethical dialogue within the university community. Currently enrolled in the Bioethics Scholarly Concentration at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, I am actively exploring topics such as Advance Directives, capacity issues, and the surrogate process. My capstone project in bioethics, which focused on the intersection of healthcare and politics, underscores my dedication to addressing complex ethical dilemmas. Additionally, my involvement in administrative bioethical board consults at Cooper Hospital provides invaluable real-world exposure to ethical decision-making in clinical settings. These experiences reflect my profound commitment to bioethics, fueled by an educational background in Public Health and Sociological research, driving my aspiration to contribute meaningfully to ethical discourse and decision-making within the field of medicine.

  • Reeana Tazreean

    Graduate Student

    Reeana Tazreean, BHSc, is a human rights advocate and design innovator. She received a BHSc in health and society from the University of Calgary (UofC), Canada. At UofC, she served as a senator and medicine faculty representative. She worked at UNICEF Canada in the domestic policy and public relations/communications teams and in consulting as a health innovation architect. Her research focuses on advancing postoperative mobilization within an enhanced recovery after surgery framework and examining health disparities. Her bioethical interest is in investigating the ethical implications of global healthcare innovation co-created with youth. She enjoys creative writing, spin cycle classes, and acting in her free time.

  • Christina Michailidou

    Graduate Student

    I have a BA in History & Philosophy of Science with a thesis on Euthanasia's Ethical Dilemmas. I am currently a graduate student of the Joint Programme of Bioethics by University of Crete. My bioethics interests are mainly about surrogate motherhood, euthanasia, dementia and generally I tend to examine the issues through a sociological aspect.

  • Sabrina Fagan

    Medical Student

    Bioethics has become increasingly important since entering medical school and being shown the importance of having thought through these issues before encountering them in a clinical setting. I graduated the University of Rhode Island with a degree in Cell and Molecular Biology. I spent a year and a half with The Maternal and Infants Lab at Brown University looking at the behavior and mood of babies and mothers using neurobiological and behavior risk factors. I am now a second year medical student at Liberty University College of Osteopathic Medicine interested in family medicine.

  • Isabella Martinez

    High School

    I’ve read books about the ethics of keeping patients in comas or loss of body function alive. These books arise the question in me if it’s ethical to keep these patients alive knowing they could be conscious but unable to move their bodies for the sake of the family visiting them once a week for an hour. This particular case makes me wonder how many issues in ethics are going on and I want to learn more.

  • Meera Patel


    Undergraduate student at Duke University with an interest in biomedical ethics, specifically in conducting biomedical research with historically marginalized and underserved groups in the US.

  • Dhriti Jagadish

    High School

    As a high school student (Class of '23), I became interested in bioethics after learning about the standards of research ethics in AP Psychology during sophomore year. I've pursued this interest in many avenues, from taking ethics/philosophy of science courses to interning at the NYU Division of Medical Ethics. As a self-proclaimed history buff, I hope to study history or global studies during my undergraduate, likely concentrating on the history of science and medicine. Because my bioethics interests are centered around equity, public health, and environmental justice, I want to become involved in health law and policy.

  • Cailynne Santos

    Pharmacy Student

    Hi! I am a current final year PharmD student at MCPHS University and I've always had a deep interest in bioethics. Specifically, this interest grew even more when I took a Health Ethics class and learned so many different perspectives in the Health Community. To be a well rounded pharmacist and healthcare professional, I think it's important to be well-versed in bioethics and common themes. For one of my recent professional organization events, I hosted a bioethics panel about the COVID-19 vaccine mandates which consisted of panelists from the Pharmacy Department, Nursing Department, and Ethics/Philosophy Department at my school, which had 40+ students in attendance.

  • Cydney Rose

    Medical Student

    I am a current Harvard MBE student with a background in nursing. Working in the ICU I have had the opportunity to work closely with clinical ethicists and it sparked an interest that motivated me to pursue a career in ethics.

  • Florian Englich

    Medical Student

    Florian is a medical student at Technical University of Munich. In addition, he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in philosophy and working on a doctoral thesis in the field of medical ethics on AI-based clinical decision support systems.

  • Madison Paulus


    I am an undergraduate senior at MSU. I am currently majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in Bioethics. I am really interested in bioethics as a career and love learning about different topics related to bioethics as a whole.

  • Arciéne Bonner


    Arciéne Bonner is a Charlotte native, who grew up in a multicultural household, in which the importance of service work, community engagement, cultural sensitivity, and the appreciation of diversity were fostered. A junior at UNC-Chapel Hill, double majoring in Medical Anthropology and Global Studies with a concentration in Global Health & Environment and an area focus on Asia, to continue her Mandarin education, which she has been learning since she was five. She is also minoring in Health & Society and is on the pre-med track. Her interests include maternal, reproductive, and mental health equity and justice for the betterment of marginalized and disenfranchised communities, focusing primarily on the effects of such inequalities on Black mothers, children, and families. After graduation, she intends to pursue an MD-MPH, serving as a health equity advocate who aims to foster relationships with the communities in which I work and assist them where needed for the betterment of their health and overall quality of life.

  • Victor Chen

    Graduate Student

    I am currently a medical student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a master's student at Harvard Medical School. I also have a bachelor's degree in public health. My bioethics research interests lie in AI ethics, Chinese medical ethics and IRB.

  • Andrew Baghaei

    Graduate Student

    I am a first year Master of Bioethics graduate student at Harvard. My background is in nursing and my areas of interest are in the topics of confidentiality, therapeutic privilege, and cross-species organ transplantation.

  • Shamima Jibril

    High School

    As a first-generation immigrant daughter of color attending a specialized, prestigious high school focused on science, my fascination with bioethics stems from a deep-seated passion for understanding the intersection of scientific progress and societal ethics. Growing up navigating the complexities of cultural identity and witnessing disparities in healthcare access, I am driven to explore how advances in biological science intersect with ethical considerations, particularly in marginalized communities. Through my major in biological science, I aim to contribute to the dialogue surrounding equitable healthcare practices and advocate for ethical decision-making in scientific research and medical treatment.

  • Zainab Ahmad


    With regards to bioethics, the topics that are of most interest to me include the study of eugenics, gene therapy, and end-of-life care. My previous research experience include my participation in the Rutgers vWISE Waksman Student Scholars Program in high school. I analyzed gene sequences from DNA fragments of Landoltia punctata using the same bioinformatics tools used by practicing scientists and learned lab techniques such as PCR, gene sequencing, and gel electrophoresis. At the end of my research, my cDNA sequences were published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). In the future, I hope to become involved in bioethics research as well.

  • Sara Hashemi


    I'm a student studying psychology, criminology and bioethics at the university of Toronto, and a previous bioethics intern at the University of Virginia Medical Center. My research interests and experiences are centered around medical assistance in dying, ethical issues in psychiatry, narrative medicine, and end of life care.

  • Rushabh Shah


    Hi! I'm currently an undergraduate student at Loyola University Chicago with the intent of pursuing the medical route in the future. My bioethics interests focus on the usage of technology in medicine, such as the usage of artificial intelligence in diagnosing patients.

  • Tanisha Solanki

    High School

    I am a student at Reedy High-school and am very interested in biomedical science, and want to be a researcher in the future. I am also specifically interested in making medicine affordable for low income families, and to better the condition of healthcare in countries outside of the US as I come from India. I am also very interested in genetics and whether technology like CRISPR or AI is ethical or not. I attended the NSBA virtual conference of 2023 which opened me to more different topics in bioethics and got me to pursue more in this area.

  • Tehmi den Braven

    Graduate Student

    I am an MS student studying bioengineering at Stanford and a student researcher with the Center for Biomedical Ethics. I am particularly interested in the ethics of emerging technologies. I am currently focusing on ethics in machine learning for medical applications, and I have previously researched ethics in frugal innovation. In the future, I hope to work on health policy and healthcare reform.

  • Diana Garza

    bioethics graduate student

    I have a bachelors in biology, and a minor in chemistry from UTRGV. I worked as an AP biology teacher for 4 years. I am currently a graduate student studying bioethics at UTRGV.

  • Celeste Runyon

    Master of Arts in Bioethics, Master of Social Work

    I am a current student at the University of Washington studying Bioethics and Social Work. My bioethics interests include posthumous reproduction, rights of the recently deceased, and the intersection of religion and medicine, to name a few.

  • Steve Muir

    Ethics & Applied Philosophy Graduate Student

    Steve Muir is a Masters student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, studying Ethics & Applied Philosophy with a focus on healthcare. Within this field he has worked on projects to increase trans competency, particularly those that value input from individuals with lived experience alongside medical expertise, and projects that attempt to map the phenomena of alternative medicine within the United States. As both a medically transitioning man and diagnosed schizophrenic, Steve Muir is dedicated to finding interventions for those that fall through the cracks due to being multiply marginalized, and building systems of care that operate from non-carceral and anti-capitalist frameworks.

  • Scott Tisoskey


    Scott is currently a rising senior at Temple University aiming to pursue a career in medicine. He is particularly interested in ethical genetics, protecting reproductive rights for members of vulnerable populations, and innovative healthcare. His passion for bioethics stems from his extensive fellowship with the Foundation of International Medical Relief for Children (FIMRC) and educational background in public health.

  • Bamlak Messay


    I am interested in learning about disorders of consciousness and how they affect the autonomy and agency of the patient in terms of medical responsibility. In addition, I would like to learn more about how we can empower patients and the elderly entering end-of-term care.

  • Natalia Wewior

    Master of Bioethics (MBE) Student

    Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from Boston University in 2018, Natalia worked in the Texas Medical Center at a public academic health science center and teaching hospital as a clinical research assistant. In the department of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, Natalia consented hospitalized patients and outpatient controls for participation in a tissue biorepository and was further responsible for maintaining a de-identified patient database and managing clinical data reports related to post-acute stroke telehealth services. As a Master of Bioethics (MBE) student at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Natalia is interested in strengthening her understanding of the social determinants of health and conducting research in social epidemiology. Natalia is eager to learn more about the various routes to an ethically sound and comprehensive healthcare infrastructure.

  • Marlene Friis

    Doctoral student

    I have a background in linguistics and language teaching. I am interested in physician/ researcher and patient/ subject interactions. I'm a PhD student in Aging Studies, and my dissertation will examine the intersection of aging and climate change: How do older adults differ physiologically, psychologically, and materially? In particular, I am interested in the adaptive lived experience of people in southeast Louisiana who have weathered subtle as well as dramatic changes in their environment.

  • Gabrielle Moore

    Medical Student

    Gabrielle Moore, MBE, MSc, received her BS in Biology from the University of Mary Washington, her MSc in Medical Sciences from the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and her Master of Bioethics from Harvard Medical School. Gabrielle is currently a medical student at VCOM-Virginia. Her bioethical interests include clinical ethics, reproductive ethics, and ethical challenges that arise with biotechnological advances.

  • Trisha Dominique Cabrera


    My past and current research projects and interests have been about the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in medicine and healthcare, as well as pandemic bioethics. I am a senior undergraduate student majoring in neuroscience and biology and minoring in biostatistics. I am currently doing a research project on pandemic bioethics and am very excited to delve into the topic and share my own insights and observations.

  • Hannah Whiteman


    I'm a current undergraduate student at UCSB studying Biological Sciences. My interests lie in the intersection between ethics (particularly, Jewish ethics) and medicine.

  • Olivia McConville


    I'm currently a student at Michigan State University studying Human Biology, and minoring in Bioethics and Health Promotion. My end goal is to be a PA, and as a future provider bioethics is crucial. The rules of the future are undecided and I want to be an active member in the conversation.

  • Abdulrahman Alharbi

    Master student

    My interest in bioethics start from the first year in college, and it start growing to be my goal and the career I chose. So, I currently work as Scientific Researcher at the National Committee of Bioethics, KACST. Also, I am a student at the master program of bioethics at Harvard University.

  • Tisha Ray

    High School

    As a high school junior, my interest in bioethics began with my early exposure to science and biology, sparked by a science research project I did in ninth grade. Inspired by my mom’s work as a nurse, I’ve grown increasingly interested in how ethical issues intersect with medical advancements. I’m eager to understand how to navigate these challenges to ensure that progress in medicine is both innovative and ethically sound.

  • Samantha Whitley


    I have obtained an undergraduate degree from Western Oregon University in Criminal Justice, with a minor and extracurriculars in philosophy and biological sciences. I am interested in ethics surrounding clinical trials as well as the ethics regarding patient care and claims of medical malpractice.

  • Sarah Obenauer

    Graduate Student

    Sarah Obenauer is a researcher, designer, and writer. She is a Master of Science in Bioethics candidate at Harvard Medical School, where she received the Dean's Scholarship for her work in advancing the position of the underserved and underrepresented in her field. Obenauer received a Bachelor of Arts in communication from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. In the first decade of her career, she dedicated her work to design, storytelling, and advocacy for nonprofits and social justice organizations concentrated on healthcare for marginalized populations. Her current research focuses on inequalities in healthcare, particularly in regard to persons with disabilities and chronic conditions, and the right for autonomous decision-making in our healthcare systems.

  • Emily Sen


    I am a current Master's student studying Bioethics and Science Policy at Duke University. I completed my Bachelor's degree at the University of Oregon in Global Health and Spanish. My interests revolve around how to improve the quality of healthcare and how to make it more equitable—both at home and abroad. I am specifically interested in issues concerning mental health and women's health.

  • Bilal Irfan

    Graduate Student

    Health disparities, Religious bioethics

  • Margaret O'Connor

    JD/ MA

    Maggie is a third year law student and masters student. Her interests primarily surround the pharmaceutical industry, artificial intelligence, compliance, and combatting eugenics in popular culture.

  • Dinu Antonescu

    High School

    My name is Dinu Antonescu and I am a rising sophomore at Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School located in Jersey City, NJ. My fascination with bioethics is rooted in a profound interest about the moral dilemmas and consequences that arise in science. While working on a research paper regarding the safety of ski racing, I realized the vital importance of ethical considerations in scientific innovations. My involvement in my high school’s robotics team has led me to research many different engineering breakthroughs where many times I fascinate myself with the ethical dilemmas which arise. Furthermore, my participation in the US Youth Ambassadors program, a program where I was 1 of 26 high school students nationwide to travel to Brazil and gain knowledge on cross-cultural communication and community-based initiatives led to my exposition to diverse perspectives on ethics and the strengthening to my commitment to implementing ethical principles in all aspects of my pursuits.

  • Avery Johnson

    High School Student

    Science has always been my favorite subject and I like learning about the advances in modern day technology. A specific area that I enjoy leaning about is genetics as well as pharmaceuticals. I currently am in 11th grade and I have taken honors bio and chem, and I am currently enrolled in AP chem.

  • Makenna Law


    Makenna is an undergraduate at Tufts University studying Biopsycholoy and Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS). Her research interests include aging, shared decision making, serious illness care, health policy, and emerging technologies.

  • David Kulp

    Graduate Student, MSc Candidate

    David Kulp is an incoming MSc Candidate in Digital Health and Robert T. Jones Jr. Scholar at the University of St Andrews. He is currently an ORISE Fellow at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A native of the D.C. area, David graduated from Emory University in 2020 with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in medical ethics. His undergraduate honors thesis focused on destigmatizing death and dying through a novel undergraduate palliative care curriculum. As part of the Harvard Program in Neonatology, he assisted in mixed-methods research on the approach to ethics and communication in antenatal consultations at periviability at Boston Children's Hospital. Some of David’s research interests include the ethical implications of AI/ML technologies in healthcare; shared decision-making and the physician-patient relationship; transplant ethics; pediatric/neonatal/fetal ethics; and end-of-life care ethics.

  • Ryan Philips


    I am a recent graduate from the Philosophy and Medicine program at Baylor University. I plan on pursuing my M.D sometime in the future with either a concurrent or precedent Masters in Bioethics. I'm looking to meet more people interested in the field!

  • Jarrel De Matas

    Graduate Student

    My interest in bioethics comes from my work in science fiction and health humanities. I channel the futurity of science fiction into questioning how health can be futuristic in its equity and inclusivity.

  • Sophia Yang

    Medical Student

    Sophia Yang is a second year medical student at LUCOM. She is interested in medical education research and hopes to address healthcare inequities and flaws by advocating for more extensive studies of the humanities among medical students. She graduated from UCLA in 2019 with a double major in biology and history and a minor in global health.

  • Lejla Mulic

    High School

    I am a junior in the Baccalaureate School For Global Education. My passion lies in bioethics, particularly in genetic engineering, organ donations, stem cells and biotechnology. In my biology class, I've delved into the complexities of these issues and their implications for society.

  • Leah Steyn

    High School

    Hello! I am a high school student at Rye Country Day School interested in biomedical engineering. This summer I am participating in a summer pre-college engineering program at the Fu School of Engineering at Columbia University, SHAPE.

  • Ivy Lane


    Ivy is a student studying Molecular and Cellular Biology at Stetson University. She has previously worked in many areas of research, including clinical trials and pre-clinical animal model research. Her interest in bioethics arose from her involvement in the COVID-19 vaccine trials and organ transplantation research, and the many ethical questions that surround these topics and the technologies that drive their advancement.

  • Gabi Steffy


    I am currently an undergraduate student at West Chester University of Pennsylvania getting a B.S. in Cell and Molecular Biology and B.A. in Philosophy with minors in Civic and Professional Leadership and Applied Ethics. I am extremely interested in the intersection of religion and medical ethics. I am currently a research and media assistant for the Interfaith, Meaning-Making, and Spirituality Project! I am hoping to find clinical ethics experience/research and in the future I hope to work at a university hospital where I can teach and consult on ethical cases.

  • Aishwarya Ravichandra

    High School

    This year I joined the Bioethics club in my school, and for the past 3 months, we have had weekly meetings where we discuss ethical concerns surrounding biology. A few of these topics have been psych wards, voluntary euthanasia, embryonic stem cells, and we've had a bioethicist guest speaker who spoke about her perspective on CRISPR gene editing. I also am a part of my school's research program, and ethics definitely plays a role when we are thinking of solutions to medical problems. My interest in bioethics has developed significantly over the past year.

  • Jennifer Summers

    MBE program

    25 years RN multi critical care environments

  • Joan Steiner

    MA student in Temple University Urban Bioethics program

    Adult lifelong learner, general interests, MA in American Material Culture, fundraising professional (prospect research). Have researched food insecurity.

  • Ava Lipsky

    High School

    I am a Sophomore at The Horace Mann School in New York City. My passion for science and the environment inspired my extracurricular activities which include Green HM, STEAM Service Learning and Students in Medicine. Last summer, I participated in a program at the Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit on climate change and public health.

  • Autumn Jackson


    Hello, my name is Autumn Jackson and I am an undergraduate at UCLA. I am a Microbiology and Philosophy double major, and am looking to combine these in my future career. Particularly, I am interested in the ethics surrounding CRISPR-Cas9 and the editing of the human genome.

  • Rachael Glavin

    Medical Student

    I am very interested in learning more about bioethics and current discussions in the world of medicine around different ethical topics. I would like to feel more prepared in upcoming ethical dilemmas in my career as a physician and act as a physician leader on these topics.

  • Anish Kumar

    Medical Student

    Anish Kumar is currently a medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He attended the University of Pittsburgh for undergraduate studies, where he studied linguistics and Spanish. He spent several years after college working as a computational linguist and data scientist in the technology sector before arriving to medical school. At Mount Sinai, he developed a deep passion for bioethics and is specifically interested in the issues surrounding emerging use of technologies and artificial intelligence in clinical care. He is primarily interested in internal medicine and primary care and hopes to practice in a clinical setting that integrates evidence based techniques into care for LGBTQ+ patients.

  • Betty Cohn

    Master of Bioethics

    Betty Cohn is a Research Assistant supporting Debra Mathews. She received an MBE from Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics in 2020 and completed a BA in Biomedical Ethics at Binghamton University in 2019. This degree was part of the Individualized Major Program in which she created the curriculum and completed an IRB approved thesis titled “The Ethics of Genetic Testing.” In addition, in 2017, she completed the summer research program at Tel Aviv University where she worked on a project titled “The Ethics of Individualized Genomic Analysis.” Her research interests include the ethical implications involved in genetic testing, genetic screening and genomic analysis.

  • Lara Zargarian


    I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley and received a bachelors in Molecular and Cell Biology. I am currently at Kansas City University working towards a masters in Biomedical Science. I spent a little over two years conducting research on neutraceutical solutions to chronic diseases, as well as research on microfacial expressions and how AI can detect those changes to explain what emotion is being expressed other than that being presented. And while while conducting my research, I was promoted to Junior Partner of the company, Director of HR and Applications, and the Recruiting Director for both of the projects I was working on.

  • Rohin Bhatt

    Master of Bioethics student

    Rohin Bhatt received his undergraduate degree in Law from Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), India. He has interned with lawyers at the High Courts of Gujarat and Bombay, including the Additional Advocate General for Gujarat, and a Judge of the Gujarat High Court. He is interested in bioethical issues surrounding ARTs, and the care of LGBTQ+ populations. He co-founded the Indian Bioethics Project at GNLU and was the Editor-in-Chief of GNLU Issues in Science, Law, and Ethics. After completing his MBE, Rohin plans to litigate in India, and work towards queer rights.

  • Natalie Wainwright

    High School

    I am a rising senior in high school and am very interested in pursuing bioethics as part of my college education. This past year, I wrote a policy brief research paper on the process of FDA drug approvals and the hidden biases that exist within the system. This project opened my eyes to the vast field of bioethics and deepened my understanding of its importance. My paper only covered a small sliver of the issues that exist within our healthcare system, and there are so many more that need to be addressed. I hope to play a role in investigating and confronting these ethical issues.

  • Samuel Borer

    Medical Student

    I am a rising M4 student at CMED who is pursuing a career in Hospice and Palliative Medicine by way of a combined medicine-paediatrics residency. I am interested in the bioethics of end-of-life care and physician-assisted suicide. Prior to entering medical school, I was a CBRNE warfare specialist for the Air Force and received my Bachelors degree in physics and mathematics.

  • Anusua Dutta

    High School

    Bioethics is something that's been an interest of mine for a while now, last year I was in AP Biology, and in that class, we discussed BIoethics inside and outside of class through biological and psychological experiments. Such as testing certain phenomena such as memory, social conditioning, muscle growths, etc. We also had a class decision about bioethics where we had to discuss the ethics of artificial reproduction (e.i. Surrogacy, sperm donations, cloning, etc.)

  • Josie Timmons

    Graduate Student

    Josie Timmons, BS has previously worked as a research assistant on a variety of projects. Her undergraduate thesis explored the erasure of women activists from the cultural narrative of the AIDS movement. Josie graduated from the University of Louisville with a double BS in Sociology and Women and Gender Studies, and her professional interests include chronic pain, health disparities, social inequalities, and social movements. Josie is a fibromyalgia activist and currently a MA student at the University of Louisville majoring in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Her thesis titled “Hear Our Voices: Women and Non-Binary People Navigating Life with Fibromyalgia” works to amplify the voices of those living in chronic pain and uses a photovoice activity to work to give a visual representation of an invisible and often misunderstood syndrome.

  • Noor Taweh

    Medical Student

    I believe bioethics and politics are at the crux of health, and I have interests in how these factors interplay to affect people. To me, bioethics is the real life application of the theory we study. My undergraduate background is in Human Rights and my post-grad work was in substance use, HIV, and other IDs, which was my first experience in applying the theory; it was more complicated than we are taught! With many disasters and political catastrophes looming (climate change, mass displacement, etc), I am hoping to refine my approach to ethics, resource allocation, and triage both on an individual and population level. Mostly, I'm hoping to connect to other like-minded healthcare professionals.

  • Kanishka Agarwal

    High School

    Hello my name is Kanishka, and I am a senior in high school. I am interested in the intersectionality of bioethics discussion and look forward to learning more about the field.

  • Katrina Comber

    Graduate School - Masters

    Hello! My name is Katrina Comber and this past year I graduated from University of Pennsylvania's Bioethics program (MBE). I currently work in the medical ethics and health policy department at Penn and assist physicians in their research and grants.

  • Sebastian Shaman


    Passionate pre-medical student at Michigan State University's Lyman Briggs College and Honors College. Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiology and minor in bioethics. Driven by a profound passion for the intricate interplay of human anatomy, physiology, and the holistic approach to healthcare, I ardently aspire to embark on a steadfast journey in osteopathic medicine, fueled by an unwavering commitment to the art of healing and the power of touch. I hope to apply the bioethical principles that I learned in my undergrad experiences to my future practice of medicine.

  • Kaitlyn Lew

    Medical Student

    I am interested in the bioethics of genetic testing, informed consent, and inequalities in healthcare. I received my Master's in Bioethics from Harvard in 2023 and worked as a clinical research coordinator in Cancer Genetics and Prevention at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, where I also served on the Dana-Farber Ethics Advisory Committee. My previous research focused on women’s decision-making for cancer prevention. I am currently a first-year medical student at UCSD SOM working on projects in cancer health disparity and bioethics community outreach through the Science and Tech Ethics Center. I am currently the president of the Bioethics Student Interest Group and am a member of the UCSD Ethics Committee.

  • Buğra Geyik

    Medical Student

    I am second year medical student in Pamukkale University/Turkey. I am interested in bioethics, medical ethics, and history of medicine.

  • Ramya Joshi

    Graduate Student

    Hello, my name is Ramya Joshi. My bioethical interests include improving healthcare access and equity in underserved areas, the patient-physician relationship, and palliative care for end-of-life patients. I have completed my bachelors degree in biological sciences from Virginia Tech, and am currently pursuing my masters degree in bioethics at Harvard Medical School. My research during my undergraduate years focused on restenosis prevention using a novel synthetic peptide therapeutic in post-op patients who just underwent stent placement surgery. Aside from academic pursuits, I am a professional Indian Classical dancer, and love music, cute animals, and spending time by the water.

  • Feride Cosar

    High School

    I am a rising senior at Manhattan Hunter Science High School, and I am extremely interested in Bioethics and Health Sciences. I am originally from Turkey, the president of the Medical Club at my school, and recently took a college class on epidemiology. In terms of my research and internship experience, I interned at John Jay College and followed microbiology lab assistants as they were testing catechins on cancer cells, and have also completed an internship with White Tulip Health Foundation and wrote a paper on the effects of substance abuse on maternal and infant health. I hope to learn more about my growing interests on epidemiology and public health ethics.

  • Alessandra James

    High School

    I'm looking to get into the medical field in the future and the topic of bioethics is intriguing. I'd love to expand my knowledge on bioethics overall. I am going into my last year of high school and will be graduating May 2025.

  • Sidney Kabinoff

    PhD Student

    I am a PhD student in Duquesne's Center for Global Health Ethics. I have an interest in phenomenological bioethics.

  • Bethany Erb

    Medical Student

    I'm pursuing a Path of Distinction in Bioethics through the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health, serve as the UW Medical Student Ethics Committee Chair, and do research in shared decision-making and informed consent with vascular surgeon and bioethicist Dr. Gretchen Schwarze. My background is in British & American Literature, and my dominant interest is in the surgery-ethics intersection.

  • Jackie Thomas


    I am currently studying biochemistry and molecular biology with a bioethics minor. I have an interest in bioethics and believe my background will be beneficial for me in my future career as a physician. I am interested in topics such as informed consent and end-of-life care.

  • Lucia Kajganic

    High School

    I’m currently a senior in high school looking to further my knowledge and interest in biomedical engineering! I’m currently a writer and editor in many research publications on topics that range from biology to aerospace engineering. I think understanding bioethics will definitely shape me to be a better professional in the future!

  • Christian Garcia Hernandez

    Medical Student

    I am a 4th year medical student at UCSF taking an LOA to complete Harvard’s Master in Bioethics program. I’m interested in bioethics if death and dying, pediatric ethics, neuroethics, and they’re intersection with race and ethnicity.

  • Astrid Floegel-Shetty

    Medical Student

    Astrid Floegel-Shetty is a current student at the USC Keck School of Medicine. She earned her minor in Biomedical Research & Psychology B.A. at UCLA as well as a Bioethics M.A. at LMU. Her research interests include: reproductive ethics, substance use disorders, fat phobia, mental health, moral injury, competency and consent.

  • Mark Kuo


    Mark Kuo is a molecular biology undergraduate conducting research in environmental health causes of liver cancer. He is interested in how fundamental attribution errors cause an under-appreciation of systemic health injustices and affects patient care. He is also looking at analyzing healthcare ethics through Chinese philosophy, particularly through Buddhist deconstruction. He is co-captain of the Georgetown National Bioethics Bowl team.

  • Yadira Onate-Ayala

    High School

    I am a current junior and rising senior in high school. I am currently participating in the Columbia JSTEP Global High School Fellowship Program and will be completing research on the intersection of healthcare and ethics, and will specifically focus on bioethics and the organ donor situation, and the ways that people will be ranked in order to receive organ transplants. I am also completing a research paper in my AP Research class currently of the effects of antidepressants on platelet function, and discuss a bit of the ethical issues surrounding the methods of receiving the data. I am interested tremendously in ethics and also healthcare in general, and I want to major in either pathology, medical laboratory sciences, bioethics, or biochemistry. I plan to go on to medical school and complete a specialization in hematological pathology.

  • Arjun Shah

    High School

    Arjun Shah is a high school student from New Jersey focusing on biomedical and life sciences. His academic pursuits and interest in the intricacies of the human body led him to a landing an internship at Planned Parenthood. This experience deepened his understanding of public health and its importance. Additionally, his interest in public health also ignited a curiosity in the bioethics surrounding the pharmaceutical and bioengineering industry. Arjun's unique blend of academic focus and hands-on experience showcases his commitment to exploring the intersections of science, health, and ethical considerations.

  • Mei Yoke Chan

    Graduate student

    I am a paediatric haematologist/oncologist currently in the midst of a Masters of Bioethics programme. I am involved in paediatric palliative care as well as the hospital clinical ethics committee. I am more of a clinician practitioner rather than a researcher.

  • Arina Khoshsar

    High School

    I am currently a sophomore in high school with an aspiring passion for becoming involved in the medical field throughout my career. My academic journey is centered around my profound interest in the intersection of chemistry, biology, and medicine. Motivated by a fascination for understanding the ethical dimensions of scientific advancements, it is my goal to explore the ethical implications of cutting-edge research. With a goal of contributing to the betterment of society through ethical scientific practices, I strive to make a positive impact on the lives of others through my enthusiasm for bioethics.

  • Jada Wiggleton-Little

    PhD Student in Philosophy

    I received my B.A. in Philosophy from Davidson College with a minor in Medical Humanities. I am currently a PhD Candidate in Philosophy at University of California, San Diego. My research interests include racial disparities, pain communication, and neuroethics. Thus far, I primarily work on on the epistemic and motivational injustices faced by Black women when reporting a pain experience.

  • Amine Chajar

    Pharmacy student

    I am PharmD student at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. I am interested in bioethical issues related to clinical practice, health law and policy. I did research in bacteria motility in Jay Tang lab at Brown University and also clinical research at institutions in the US and Morocco.

  • Krystal Pold


    Krystal Pold is currently serving as the Mission and Ethics Fellow at Hospital Sister’s Health System. Krystal anticipates graduating from Marquette University with a Master’s in Theological ethics in Spring 2023 and will continue her studies in Catholic Bioethics at the doctoral level the following fall. Her research interests include the patient-provider relationship, the application of the ERDS, and ethics education for providers.

  • Megan Doehner


    A senior undergraduate Bioethics and Health Studies student at Saint Louis University with an aspiration to attend medical school to become an academic physician. Bioethics interests include ethics of technology, reproductive ethics, and palliative and end-of-life care. Research experience includes the effects of societal over-valuation on attributed dignity on the tension between spirituality and healthcare, truth management in pediatric health care, and the phenomenological implications and ethics of technology of complete ectogenesis. Seeking opportunities and connections to continue growing in the field of Bioethics.

  • Alise Fortune


    I am an undergraduate student at Rollins College and am pursuing a psychology/philosophy double major with a minor in ethics. In regard to bioethics, my interests involve issues of addiction, social injustice within the medical field, and solutions that the medical field can take in moving to help eradicate systemic issues. In the future, I hope to move in the direction of being a professor or applied professional within the field of bioethics.

  • Brandon Lien

    High School

    I am a high school senior (class of 2023) from the SF Bay Area and intend to major in biomedical engineering. I have long been interested in the fields of biology, neuroscience, and computer science, and am currently researching and developing semi-automated techniques for evaluating tumors in the eye. I am also an advocate for greater Asian American and Pacific Islander representation in clinical research, and have found that the philosophy and ethics behind why and how research is performed to be an area that needs greater awareness. I hope to learn more about health policy as well as social issues in the medical field.

  • Leah Steyn

    High School

    Leah is a junior at Rye Country Day School where she co-founded and leads the Bioethics Club for RCDS High School students. In our club, we discuss ethical issues in medicine by using case studies to consider the broader implications of scientific research. Leah is a mentee at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals where she is researching subcutaneous delivery of biologics.

  • Maimuna Seikh


    Maimuna Seikh is a junior at New York University majoring in Global Public Health & Sociology with a minor in Bioethics. She plans on pursing a MA in Bioethics and Doctoral Degree in Clinical Ethics. She is interested in learning more about how limited access to medical care, expensive medical procedures, and access to pharmaceutical products create ethical concerns about how scarce resources should be allocated fairly.  She wants to research possible solutions to organ transplant scarcity to develop ethical procedures to lower the burden of organ scarcity and incentivize eligible people to become donors.

  • Kamna Gupta

    Medical Student

    Kamna Gupta, BS, is a third-year medical student at Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine. She earned her BS in Medical Humanities and Health Studies from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). In May 2023 she will have recieved her Masters of Science in Bioethics from Harvard Medical School. She developed medical curriculum, The First Patient Project, that focused on improving the ethical treatment of body donors in the anatomy lab and improving empathy and humanitarian training in medical school. She hopes to continue to develop this field with respect to medical education in her future work and cares greatly about advancing medical student wellness and mental health.

  • Kayla Kelly

    Graduate Student

    I am a Master of Health Ethics student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I have a B.A. in Bioethics and Criminology & Socio-Legal studies with a minor in Philosophy from the University of Toronto. My thesis considers the ethics of behavior contracts in in-patient settings. Some of my research interests include patient-physician relationship, healthcare provider well-being, end-of-life care, and the philosophy of disability.

  • Ian Minearo

    Medical Student

    I find bioethics intellectually stimulating and feel that it is an important tool every physician should have when caring for patients. In undergraduate, I studied neuroscience and now am studying medicine at the University of Vermont. In undergrad, and between undergrad and medical school while working in medicine, I came across many ethical dilemmas that I wish I knew how to solve and am happy that I have the experience in medical school now learning how to solve them.

  • Holden Habermacher

    High School

    Holden Habermacher is a high schooler at the Montgomery Academy in Montgomery, Alabama. She is a current member of NYU's Vaccine Student Working Group where she researches unethical vaccine practice and local misinformation surrounding vaccines. She created Alabama's first app that navigates the vaccine process, finds opportunities to volunteer, and creates a hub for health resources in Alabama. She is an intern at NYU's High School Bioethics Project where she is creating an original curriculum centered around narrative medicine. She has also participated in Duke Programs on medical ethics and the bioethics of surgery.

  • Millie Kim

    High School

    Millie is a sophomore at Sage Hill School passionate about global health equity and neuroscience. Her interests in bioethics go hand-in-hand with her research in sleep memory consolidation and neurodegenerative diseases. She hopes to study cognitive science or neuroscience on a pre-med track in college.

  • Doris Jones


    I am Doris Jones, a United States Navy veteran, private patient advocate, and a Senior at California State University East Bay, located in Hayward, California, pursuing a Bachelor of Public Health Degree. My interest in bioethics, my desire to be more than a person who provides physical care but a yearning to understand the deeper reasons and questions about care based on the individual and to learn how to become a contributor of knowledge that improves human life based on well thought out decisions and considerations.

  • Jordan Peoples

    Medical Student

    Undergraduate degree in education, currently a medical student in Virginia. Interested in learning more about important potentially life changing topics.

  • Jacob Brendle

    Master of Arts in Bioethics

    I received my Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Wake Forest University with minors in Bioethics, Biology, and Chemistry. I am currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Bioethics program at Wake Forest University. I have worked as a Nurse Aide 1 since 2019 in hospice and palliative care, and in 2022, I started a job as a clinical research technician in the Department of Neurological Surgery at Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. My interests in bioethics are end-of-life care, questions around pediatrics, emotions and behaviors, and Christian bioethics.

  • Joseph El Bachour

    Medical Student

    Current medical student and President of Khelkhal, a bioethics education and community service initiative. Background in Biology, Philosophy, and Bioengineering Design. Interested in Bioethical research, particularly morality amongst medical students and curricula.